Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

^^^Surely he got the monoclonal antibodies?

Iā€™m so sorry to hear this, and that nothing can be done at this point to change his mind. I think hospital staff are tired of being attacked and probably briefly mentioned vaccination, if at all. Today if anything is mentioned, you too often get verbally and/or physically attacked. What is concerning for him is with the lung damage, he really needs vaccination because he may not survive another bout (another variant - there will be more). Depending on where you are, itā€™s possible he had Delta, since he was exposed a few weeks ago and depending on your area of the country, omicron may not have been the most prevalent at that time. But now omicron is everywhere. Hopefully he will stay clear because natural immunity from Delta provides no protection from omicron. :cry:

If omicron, MAb not available at that time.


Same where my guy works. Staff just talk about them to others to get loads off their mind (reduce stress). Weā€™ve heard a lot of stories (no names or identifying info, just stories). This one doesnā€™t surprise me.

No sense talking to closed minds.

My D and SILā€™ s major hospital is on emergency operations plan because of staff infections. D is on 8 week maternity leave and SILā€™ on 2 week leave. He is Pulmonolgy and Critical care, so I dont know if he could be forced to come back in.

What a mess.

Several California school districts - including LA, the largest - have back tracked on their vaccine mandates.

The districts realize they can not support the large number of unvaccinated students via remote learning.

And, the optics would be very bad since a disproportionate number of the unvaccinated are non white.


This is not a kind of mildness Iā€™d wish on anyone. Young friends still sick and getting sicker. Young tenants (mid-20s) have had it for a week and a month respectively, bad sick through the first week and then not shaking the symptoms. Vaxed/boosted/masked middle-aged local hospital worker whose spouse is recently out of the ICU is now in herself and tweeting about it when able, being proned, GGOs turning to consolidations, on various drugs and increasing levels of O2. Spouse is making the trek over with a walker before being wiped out for the day. Dozens of hospital employees testing positive daily.

Iā€™ve emailed my dentist and asked if heā€™s willing to do a LFT before he sees me on Monday. Will see what he says.

This is very sad. I pray that she recovers quickly without complications. :pray:t2:
This story does nothing to convince the unvaccinated or the unboosted (me) that the vaccine is doing itā€™s job.


It wasnā€™t intended to. Can I recommend, though, a booster in stats?


Sorry. As of right now a booster is not on my future. My mother had a stroke two days after the booster. My brother was hospitalized after vaccine for tests to rule out stroke and heart and has had distal hand and feet neuropathies since. I had a stroke like reaction to second vaccine, losing all control of the right side of my body. I will just have to hope and pray that the two shots are good for me cause Iā€™m not signing up for a booster.


If all the dangerously sick and dead who were unvaccinated and unboosted canā€™t convince people, then it appears nothing can.


Yep. I look at statistics, not anecdotes. Itā€™s so clear! I canā€™t believe the scientific illiteracy in this country.


I can look at the stats all day long but thatā€™s not going to change the anecdotes of three members of my family including me :woman_shrugging:t2:


Report your adverse reactions on the VAERS system run by CDC. They will investigate and then you will have evidence or not.

I have anecdotes too. My stepmom is now blind due to Covid, my dad is dead indirectly due to Covid, my mother in law is dead due to Covid, my good friendā€™s husband had a liver transplant directly due to Covid, nearly died, and and now also needs a kidney transplant. Sadly, vaccines were not available for any of the people I mentioned. I know that wonā€™t convince you. Personally, Iā€™ll take my chances with vaccines.


You donā€™t have to answer, but I was just wondering if you arenā€™t taking the vaccine due to how effective/ineffective it is or for another reason?

Did you all have the same vax before each event, and are you working with anyone studying the vaccine? A whole family with stroke and strokelike symptoms shortly after vax would seem to warrant investigation. IANAS but if you all carry, say, a mutation that makes you especially susceptible to clotting after this kind of vax, it would be extremely useful for docs to know that the mutation exists.

I did report my reaction to VAERS. Was I supposed to hear something back? Never did. Doesnā€™t change a thing for me. Not looking to intentionally inject something in my body that has already proven to cause me to lose all control of the right side of my body. Iā€™ll take my chances my way. My body my choice.


Iā€™ll happily answer. I am not taking the booster because of my own personal reaction to my second vaccine. I am ā€œfully vaccinatedā€ by current definition. If they change the definition then I guess I will no longer be considered fully vaccinated.

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Oh, I mean. I guess youā€™ve at least tried to and you took it for whatever reason Iā€™m assuming to protect yourself/others.

My mum wonā€™t take the booster because she thinks itā€™s too body in her and frankly I can only get as much vaccination as she allows.

I think you should do what you believe is healthy for you most importantly and others, so I guess follow precautions as well.

I hope this didnā€™t come off as rude or ignorant.

I do wonder if there is some gene in my family, but then others did perfectly fine. The Drs where my mother and brother live blow it off and refuse to even consider there is a connection. I live in a different city, reported my reaction to VAERS and Drs say thatā€™s all you can do.