Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

It sounds like at least her husband understands now, even if he didn’t before. He might have, so I’m not making judgment. We have a couple from our church where she got vaxxed and he didn’t - he died at age 57. She got over Covid quickly.

I’m just repeating what I said before. I hope some people learn from her mistake. It’s sad that that’s what it might take, but it’s the only good that can come from it now.

As with the wife we know, I feel for her husband. It didn’t have to happen and it wasn’t an accidental loss of life.


“Ernby’s husband, Mattias Ernby, appeared to confirm his wife had not been vaccinated in response to a Facebook user who claimed she had died of blood clots after getting vaccinated.

My goodness, the arrogance of going on someone’s FB profile claiming to know details about Kelly’s health/vaccine status in complete contrast to the woman’s own husband.


Something similar happened with Betty White’s passing. People lying in an attempt to stoke vaccine reluctance (the title of this thread) is pathetic.


I don’t know where that came from. Her husbands name is Axel.

Husbands name is Axel. Don’t believe everything you read on Facebook.

Here you go folks….his name was:

Axel Mattias Ernby , husband of former OC Deputy DA Kelly Ernby


Huh, I case in this case we can believe it.

So sad. Her Facebook page is full of anti-vax nonsense. What a waste.

Bless your heart, by the way. You will need it.


My bad. That is his full name. I do not see where he said that except other people posting “pictures” of it. But, okay. Frankly, reading the vicious statements from everyone telling him that they are happy she is dead made me stop reading.

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I need it. Why?

I’d just call it a history lesson.
And we all need a little blessing in these times!


I’m totally pro-vax, but ditto. There’s never a need to post to anyone’s relatives that one is glad they are dead. It’s sad, and it certainly doesn’t show well on them.

With the pandemic I totally get that one can lose empathy for those spreading misinformation or goading folks into not following the best route for the health of the country/planet, but there’s never, ever, a need to post hatred to those in mourning.


A history lesson. Now I am totally lost.

Pres.Emmanuel Macron just said in an interview that he feels like *f’ing up unvaccinated people’s daily lives. (The US press is being a bit milder in its translation.) While I understand he felt like saying this (he’s probably thinking he’s channeling all his vaccinated citizens’ frustration with those who refuse to get vaccinated), it seems like the absolutely wrong thing to say for a president. Doctors and PSAs have been patiently coaxing people into getting vaccinated and short of a mandate some people won’t get vaxxed, so what does this accomplish wrt vax rates? A press interview is not the right place for blowing off steam.


Just that this world is so crazy right now. We all need a little blessing.

The usual translation is more along the lines of to p_ss off, annoy, bug, get on the nerves, etc. Also, I don’t think he was blowing off steam, but rather stating that it will be very difficult to live a normal life in France if you choose not to vax. From the same interview:

“I won’t send (the unvaccinated) to prison, I won’t vaccinate by force. So we need to tell them, from Jan. 15, you won’t be able to go to the restaurant anymore, you won’t be able to down one, won’t be able to have a coffee, go to the theatre, the cinema…”

ETA: Hopefully such policies will be effective in getting more people vaccinated, but if not, at least those who refuse won’t pose as great a danger to others as they otherwise would.


Unless they’re old, under 18, undergoing chemo or any other medical treatment that renders them immunocompromised, transplant patients, AIDS patients, etc., etc., etc.

Turns out to be a lot of people. You can’t just look in the mirror, at your healthy middle-aged friends (don’t look at the friend’s wife with cancer and that one’s toddler) and around your house and decide that this constitutes “people”.


Funny thing: when I used to work with an ex-mil friend whose husband turned the house hard Fox when he came home, she used to bring all these “look what Macron said!” things that, on inspection, were wild distortions. I stopped bothering straightening out the picture for her after a while because (a) she could do it herself if she actually wanted to and (b) she was just livebooking and I haven’t been on facebook for years.

French lesson of the day: Macron said, “J’ai très envie d’emmerder les non-vaccinés.”

The root of the verb “s’emmerder” is “merde.” So “s’emmerder” means literally to irritate the s*** out of somebody and colloquially is equivalent to piss someone off.


There are quality masks available that actually block the vast majority of this virus. They have been available and those that are the most vulnerable would be serving their best interest to be using them. They can even be effectively enhanced with the addition of another layer. People can provide for their own protection. It’s not like there’s absolutely nothing one can do to protect themselves. These should be similar to measures that immune compromised individuals would have needed to take before covid came along. It’s not new or rocket science. The fact is healthcare workers have been relying on these items for the last two years to protect them. And that’s in conditions where they are potentially exposed to large doses of virus for extended periods of time. There would be a much lower risk for someone in the general public. So yes, people are able to provide for their own protection. And that’s just one example.



I got both Pfizer pricks.

My girlfriend got just the first Moderna needle.

That was in June.

Does she need to have both stages of the Moderna now, or can she resume with the second? How long is too long between the first and second shots?