Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion



Yes in some states. They are not a protected class but some states may have laws requiring employers not to discriminate based upon lawful activities done outside the job. I wonder thought about smoking breaks.

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Good to know. I hadn’t heard of that, but I work in a govt building where smokers were still allowed to smoke anywhere inside until the early 2000s.

In my (non-healthcare) industry in the DC area, all of the job postings say vaccination is required.


It’s too bad that the ACA prohibits health care insurers from charging a higher premium to the un-vaxxed.

This is something I started thinking about maybe two months after the pandemic started and there was all the flatten-the-curve talk – I thought, you know, this makes sense to me (and I took a class through the Ferguson group paper), but I like graphs, delight in Tufte (mostly), data presentation generally. But most people not only don’t like graphs, they can’t read them. I bet most people have no idea what “the curve” is about or what “flat” is supposed to mean.

And then I realized – oh crap, most people also have no idea what goes on under their skin. Halloween is their strongest anatomy teacher. Most could not tell you where their internal organs are, let alone visualize aerosol sprays and clouds and plumes and cell receptors and mechanisms of cellular damage and ravaged tissue presentation. Somewhere between 10-15% can’t really read. And there on the news, unless it’s a local Barbie and Ken show, it’s college grads talking to college grads.

All that spike stuff, too. Spikes, proteins, mRNA
I was listening to an early LFT developer from MIT on NPR yesterday, and she was telling a pretty good story about why, when everyone was desperate for rapid tests early in the pandemic, FDA wouldn’t approve hers (and hers wasn’t the only one), but it was impossible to follow unless you had some solid background. The host kept trying to back her up and get her to explain in English, but she didn’t really know how. I’d guess she left 75% of the NPR audience behind.

It’s an incredibly serious problem and I don’t think anyone knows how to get at it. We used to do it by authority: you’d freaking do as the health officials said, and you’d get a propaganda poster or two in the nurse’s office. All replaced by the internet’s “marketplace of ideas”.

Complexity and democracy. You wonder where the limits are. I mean in the end, that’s what autocracy’s about: you don’t have to figure it out, you just follow that guy, and whatever he says is right.


Although they can’t charge a higher premium, they can offer a discount to those who are vaxxed, as they do with other things (like nonsmokers). It wouldn’t make a difference until the next benefits open enrollment, but pricing could be set to make it a penalty-that-is-cannot-technically-a-penalty.


A quick update regarding the vaccine pass in France: it will be required within a week or so for people 16 and above.

No vaccine? No cafe, according to new French virus law | AP News

In French: Le passe vaccinal dĂ©finitivement adoptĂ© par l’AssemblĂ©e nationale au terme de deux semaines de dĂ©bats houleux au Parlement (

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“Experts say the virus won’t become endemic like the flu as long as global vaccination rates are so low. During a recent press conference, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that protecting people from future variants — including those that may be fully resistant to today’s shots — depends on ending global vaccine inequity.”

This statement seems suspect. Historically pandemics have resolved on their own without global vaccination.


WHO has a vested interest to convince the wealthy countries to provide the vaccines free to the developing countries.


Thanks to the less-than-civil off-topic debate on how to define a term, I am slowing the thread.


I haven’t been following along enough to know if that was sincere or cynical, but I’d agree that of course the World Health Organization has a vested (or primary) interest in convincing the wealthy countries to provide the vaccines free to the developing countries, or some model that achieves a similar goal.

Let’s all agree on that and move on


File under “we aren’t taking this seriously enough”:

I deal with it by listening to Donna Summer, mostly.

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Starbucks says they are “complying” with the ruling??? The ruling just says the feds cannot put in the mandate, not that Starbucks has to drop it! Carhartt and others are keeping the vaccine mandate for their employees. Good for them.