Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

So funny. I meant I saw the same article on Facebook. I should have just said that I saw that article.

And again, I should have left off the Facebook reference. I saw the same article.

Was thinking the same.

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The point is that her family was not offering an alternate cause of death, as you imply.


I was just about to post this - glad I read your post first. It’s what I meant when it sounded like she had a blood clot (which is what a pulmonary embolism is for those who don’t know - blood clot that gets caught in the lungs). What’s written in the article matches.

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Read the article I just posted about pulmonary embolisms. The article describes what her son saw and what he saw matches her having a blood clot in the lungs. An autopsy will answer it for sure, but blood clots and death from those is a well-known danger with Covid.

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Participants in vaccine trials reported adverse effects-but had received the placebo vaccine.

Nearly One-Third of Individuals Report Systemic Adverse Events With COVID-19 Placebo Vaccine (


Wow, very interesting!

CDC data, it’s great to get vaccinated but don’t count out the real effectiveness of prior infection either.

My firm just sent out an email to let all nyc employees that they need to be vaccinated to go into the office. We were given Clear to load our vaccination card. To be fair, I have not met anyone in person or have been in the office since I started my job.

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I just asked someone if she was vaccinated before I agreed to hire her (close contact involved). When she answered, “no”, in a round-about way, I told her I wouldn’t hire her. It was strangely satisfying.


What do you guys think about Paul Offit’s take on risk vs. benefit of boosters for boys and young men?

I’ve read a bunch of his work and his credentials are pretty solid. Not my background though, and my 16 year old boy has an appointment for a booster next week.

Just curious, have you ever inquired about vaccine status during hiring before covid? Flu, MMR, etc? I understand some companies are instituting new policies.


I haven’t seen regular companies care. When my youngest son worked at a retirement home and medical lad started at the hospital - they cared. It was the first time my youngest was willing to get the flu shot. No shot, no employment. Medical lad needed titers to show his vaccines (and chicken pox itself from his youth) took.

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Before Covid, I assumed that everyone who attended kindergarten were vaccinated against childhood diseases since those are required to attend almost all schools.

Besides I’ve never been in the middle of a pandemic. There are lots of things I never thought about before.


The linked page to the piece in The Atlantic does not mention another option for young men (age 18+): get boosted with the J&J vaccine. The blood clot risk associated with the J&J vaccine is mainly associated with young women, and the J&J vaccine has not been associated with myocarditis risk.

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Not always a safe assumption, since anti-vaccine parents in many places found ways to avoid getting their kids vaccinated (against measles and various other typical diseases that children get vaccinated against). Marin County in California was known for this kind of thing (particularly in some private schools), although, interestingly enough, it now has a very high vaccination rate against COVID-19.


But what about the 12-18 year olds?

I’m not super worried, but maybe just a little as we are already a pretty tachycardic, black out a little when standing too fast type of family. Hydrate and booster?

Edited to add: rhetorical question. Of course will discuss with pediatrician.

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My point was that for the vast majority of people in the United States, except for a very small pocket, you could assume that to attend school, you were vaccinated.

I had all my childhood vaccines, my kids had all of their childhood vaccines and in either of our lifetimes before Covid there was never an outbreak of a disease that we had been vaccinated for. That I know of. Not counting chickenpox which both of my children had before there was a vaccine.

Count me in the things I never thought of before March of 2020. But here we are.

I also never did much take out and ate in my car and wore a mask either.


Or have some kind of exemption. Numerous states allow a personal belief exemption.

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