Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

You may want to look for masks with both high filtration and high airflow (see Aaron Collins’ mask ratings) for gym use. Indoor gyms are a relatively high risk environment to begin with.



Yes, this guy has made national news both times, when he resigned and now. Sad. Very sad.

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Any Spotify users? Have you been following the Neil Young protest of Spotify not dealing with Joe Rogan’s podcast.


FYI, Joe Rogan is spreading vaccine misinformation on his podcast. Which is exclusive to Spotify


Hopefully he’s started a trend. This is from NYT, so might not be accessible to all (sorry), but she’s following his lead:


His story is quite sad.

Only 50 years old, father of four, and “said he was also waiting for a sign from God that he should take it and never got one”

God gave us eyes to see and brains to understand - then has provided a multitude of data since then. He could still be alive to be a dad for his kids except for his bull-headed unwillingness to look at the data and use the brain God gave him.

The article says he became a hero to anti-vaxxers. Hopefully some will change their minds, though I’m doubtful at this point. They’ll just come up with their own reasoning about it.


I listened to this podcast from the Wall Street Journal that explains the issue why Spotify is aligning with Joe Rogan.

I hate that the WSJ is behind a paywall. However their podcast is free

I have a wsj subscription :blush:. I support Neil Young in his decision, but given the business aspects I’m not surprised Spotify went with Rogan.

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I think it’s important to note both Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are survivors of polio.


Something like this?


No not surprised either.

If this was a joke… it did not pay off.

The Vessel Taphouse posted on Facebook on Jan. 21 that people should “Come see the show, maybe catch the virus or just stay home and whine,” The (Everett) Herald reported.

“The post also said people could enter the bar for a discounted rate with proof of an “Omicron positive test.” Owner Steve Hartley said four employees quit and three bands refused to play another show that weekend. Hartley told the newspaper the post was “an ill-advised attempt at humor,” and the responsible employee has been fired.“

Wow… what a “joke.” Some people!

I definitely get why the employees quit and bands refused to come - why work there?

I feel for the owner if it was solely an employee responsible. Not sure I’d believe it was though.


I read the url address as referring to Lin Wood (not Lynnwood) and thought, “makes sense, but who would go to his bar in the first place?” :crazy_face:

Here’s another one making a really odd choice that no one would believe if it were written into a novel. At least it’s their choice, but what a hill to die on, no?

I read an interesting opinion from someone that pertains to this man, and the previous man in Boston. It goes back to the leader-follower relationship that developed in early humans, when they roamed the lands in small groups searching for food, these groups would be associated with larger clans, then to the towns and governing we have today. Over time the psychology has evolved but individuals still harbor a leader or follower trait. The leader trait in you sees the value of the vaccine, understands the science and says yes, everyone should get vaccinated - let’s get this done. You can’t understand why someone would make the irrational decision of choosing death. But this man, and the man in Boston, harbor the follower trait. A leader says something is bad, and they accept it (in this case, the vaccine). Nothing can be done - they will follow the leader to death. It’s an interesting theory, at least something to rationalize irrational behavior.
The leader-follower relationship is discussed here


And yet anti-vaxxers call anyone who get vaccinated the “sheep!”


I’m personally very glad that a valuable organ will go to someone who will actually value it as a precious gift.