Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The person I saw get turned down was a former nurse and she argued with the Walgreens nurse for a good 10 minutes because she had received her 4th shot in March. Please let us know how things work out for you because I imagine that Walgreens will get a lot of flak until they follow CDC guidelines on who can receive the vaccine.

Every bad story I hear about vaccinations involves Walgreens. This has been true since early 2021 when they were telling older folks in my area that they ā€œdidnā€™t do second shotsā€ - at a time when there were no appointments available anywhere except where youā€™d had your first shot. I donā€™t hear the same stories about CVS - they seem fine.


If your co-worker sees their parents, I hope they donā€™t bring covid to your workplace!

That poor child who is on the liver transplant list. I read in the WaPo that 10.5 million children lost a parent or caregiver because of covid, according to a survey.

But, really, this is just part of ā€œlearning to live with covid,ā€ which the government says we must do because this is what the population wants.

I hope not too. She goes over there to administer the tests and also for telemed visits with the docs. But she says sheā€™s worn a mask and opens a door for some fresh air. She also had it in January, albeit a super mild case as she had just gotten her booster 3 weeks prior.

But also covid has been through my office a few times now with people actively coughing all day. And H works with 500 kids and we know several teachers who have had it and likely tons of kids who show up ever day with it. And no masking or social distancing anymore. I canā€™t believe we havenā€™t had an asymptomatic case by now, but who knows.

I know, as I remember you telling us about your workplace and of course your Hā€™s job in a school.

If she had covid in January and it was super-mild, sheā€™s probably not too concerned about getting it again.

People in my area donā€™t care, either. Even the medical offices I go to arenā€™t requiring masks anymore, and it really annoys me.

Here too. Doctors offices havenā€™t required masks for a long, long time. My co-worker was wondering where her mom got it, saying ā€œsheā€™s so careful she even wears her mask at stores.ā€ I said probably one of her (many) doctorā€™s visits. Iā€™m sure she takes it off in the exam room thinking itā€™s safe because theyā€™re alone. Around here, youā€™re usually stuck in there for 30-60 minutes. If someone was sick in there before her, thatā€™s probably where she got it. And she might also go to church, but Iā€™m not sure if they still go.

I keep my mask on in a doctorā€™s office, and request for the first dentist appt.
I got covid 3 months ago, but it was at a graduation party.

Iā€™ve had a couple medical appointments in the last month, the last 2 in the same system.

Optometrist, no one wore masks

Cancer center, EVERYONE in masks including the door greeter and there was a sanitizing station that was required.

Dermatologist, same sanitizing station but was not commented on or enforced. Staff all wore masks but patients were not. I wore my mask but was asked to take it off because he needed to examine my face.

All medical and dental offices that I go to are still requiring masks.

I got my new booster yesterday. Just a sore arm and a mild headache.

Was supposed to have an MD appointment tomorrow but the doctor has covid!

Did you get Pfizer or Moderna and what did you have in the past?

Daughter gets Moderna 4th shot tomorrow. Nervous because she has had vertigo for weeks after Pfizers, probably due to previous neuro issues.

It was Moderna and Iā€™ve always had Moderna in the past. It seems to be the manufacturer our pharmacy gets.

My D got the new booster yesterday and had chills, aches, and shakingā€“apparently miserable. Moderna I think (weā€™ve been a M family throughout). Iā€™m still going to get itā€“appointment in about a week.

Almost every doctorā€™s office Iā€™ve been in requires masks still. The only exception was my podiatrist, whoā€™s a nice guy, but it really bugged me when he walked into exam room without a mask and then told me ā€œyou donā€™t need to wear oneā€ ā€“ last spring, when Omicron was raging. I may switch docs next time; Iā€™ve seen him a long time, but now I question his judgment.

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Same here. Anything medically relatedā€¦so doctors offices, hospitals, dentists, eye docs, blood work placesā€¦

I have no problem with this.

My D said she mainly feels exhausted after getting the vaccination yesterday. Iā€™m getting mine shortly.

Umm, no. Not possible. About a million Americans died from covid, and each victim was not the parent of 10 underage children. The great majority of victims were elderly, and thus not the parent/guardian of any young children anymore, but some could have been caregivers for their grandchildren or great-grandchildren.
As sad as each death was, and as traumatic as the experience has been on the youngest generation, it is important to avoid the misinformation surrounding the issue. Many children lost parents, and that is very sad. But nowhere near 10 million.

I see the article refers to mostly Africa and South America, not the US. World-wide, there are and have always been a lot of orphans, particularly in 3rd world countries with poor health care. Perhaps a caveat as to the global perception would be helpful.

I agree the numbers seemed exagerated. But I am still considered a ā€œchildā€ to my 82 year old mother, so not sure the article was referring to the under 18 crowd. Still, the ratioā€™s make no sense. is this worldwide, or just the US?

Children under 18 ( and thus still needing care). Otherwise, all of us qualify as someoneā€™s child.

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I just called the Walgreens where I am having my booster on Monday. They said they have the vaccines (Moderna) and the only requirement is you had your last shot over 2 months ago.


I have a big dilemna. Next week I have a business trip overseas on Tuesday. Its a quick turnaround, coming back 3 days later.
I am getting my booster later today, so I know that its not enough days , but for this trip, if I caught covid on the way there, by the time I had symptoms or would test positive I will likely be back. One can mask in airports and planes.
BUT Sat night I am invited to a big event (think wedding like), which at this point, if I dont show up, could really hurt a friendship. I RSVPā€™ed before I have this business trip show up. My concern is not Covid itself, if I was not traveling, but its $$$$ to go overseas and to get stuck there would be even more $$$$.

AT the event I could wear a mask the whole time, except when eating or drinking, but not sure there is outdoor space for that to happen in.

You wonā€™t get stuck there. There is no testing for coming back any more.