Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I’m sorry. It has to be really frustrating for all of you.

I too miss the pre-Covid days. (sigh)

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Thinking of your family today and sorry that your son is ill. Wishing you peace and comfort as you remember your mother.


Rats sorry about that. Omicron is just so contagious.

My son came to the burial and stood quite a distance away and all the relatives greeted him loudly.It was heartwarming. Next up, my daughter stepped on a nail in the cemetery and I had to drive her to the ER right before the church service. When we got there my son was standing in front of the hospital too. It was like he was some kind of benign apparition!

We zoomed and recorded the entire service as he sat in his car in the church parking lot. Once again, he appeared (at a distance) after the service.

We had a great day and while all the other relatives went to a tavern, my daughter and I took another large serving of mashed potatoes (and other groceries) to my son in his hotel, leaving them outside the door.

He was really dedicated to participating in whatever way he could and I was so happy that he felt “fulfilled” (his words.) Now he can stay in bed, watch football, and eat his potatoes! He can’t fly home across the country until he tests negative and I live in a small one bedroom, so it will be grocery deliveries until he is better,


Poor guy! But he’s making the best out of the situation and you must be so proud of how he has handled things.


I’m so sorry this didn’t turn out the way you hoped but it sounds like you all made the best of a tough situation. Sending hugs to you!

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Perhaps this wasn’t a terrible day after all. You all got to be there in your own way, you celebrated and mourned a loved life, and you supported each other - I’ll bet as your mom would want you to do - and perhaps as she taught you - clearly she taught you to take care of each other as you were so dedicated to her. :heart:

I love the mashed potatoes deliveries!!! :blush:


This is a COVID thread but one more post on this. We had a fantastic day:everything was perfect. Last night we went through my mother’s jewelry and all the kids and grandkids, male and female, wore a piece. We females also all wore lipstick (I never wear it!) because that was my mother’s trademark.

COVID really didn’t ruin anything. We were all happy. More than 120 people came to celebrate my mother. (Sorry for the tangent.)


How many of the 120 were masked? And then the relatives went to a tavern afterwards? I know you said a lot were elderly.

Your immediate family did a great job with it all!

I provided masks and hand sanitizer at the church and the reception hall. I would say that most people were not masked. I expected more elderly but due to my mother’s age, 95, not many left so it was mostly younger folks (30’s to 70). I and my daughter did not go to the tavern. The rest of my immediate family is unconcerned about COVID and even invited my son to come, which he absolutely did not do. We will see what the consequences of this gathering might be.

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To those who have been exposed how soon before you tested positive? @compmom for your son, how many days was it? How symptomatic is he?

The last time I got covid in January, I was exposed on a Tuesday night, but felt symptomatic by friday, and tested postive by Sunday. So far this time the last time I was exposed was Thursday morning, I did not feel great yesterday, but feel fine today, and have tested negative every day. I will test again tomorrow before I leave for the airport (4 days since exposure). fingers crossed I escaped this time. booster was mid Sept. My coworker was boosted 6 weeks ago.
could it be possible that the vaccines make it so that he could have been less contageous. ? I found this.

Can I spread the coronavirus if I’ve received a primary vaccine series and been boosted?

While people who have received a primary vaccine series and been boosted (meaning they are considered “up to date”) are less likely to transmit the coronavirus to other people, it is still possible to spread the virus.

@sdl0625 my son was exposed midday Tuesday, flew Wed., heard he had been exposed just before getting on the plane (assume not contagious yet if exposure meant COVID), tested positive by antigen test on Friday morning, His PCR test Thursday morning was positive (caught it earlier than antigen but it took 48 hours to get results here in MA, so he got results Sat.). He had the bivalent booster in the last month- a month ago? He is symptomatic and resting today but with Tylenol and Advil was able to make it to the periphery of our services. Initial symptoms were headache and very sore throat, followed by congestion. No cough as yet.

A vaccine/booster is not your ticket to not getting COVID at all but gives your more protection against a bad case.

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These viruses are mysterious.

We had two young adults who were very sick in our house in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. It was not covid but their doctors suspected flu when they eventually ended up in urgent care needing medication for secondary infections and post viral issues. No one else on my family got it.

Then the day after Thanksgiving, one of my D’s went to her boyfriend’s house to care for him and his family members who were positive for flu. She hasn’t felt sick yet.

Everyone who has been sick is in the range of maybe 21-45. Older and younger have been fine despite being in close contact.

My husband and I were exposed June 24 at dinner. I was sitting closer to the guy with Covid. My husband felt sick by the 27th but did not test positive on a home test until the 28th. I felt sick by June 30, tested negative both in morning and afternoon with home test, but took a PCR test that afternoon and got a positive result the next day.

Edited to add, I meant to respond to @sdl0625

As of the week of November 27 to December 3, 2022, BA.5 is down to 13.8% in the US, while BQ.1.1 at 31.9% and BQ.1 at 30.9% are the leading variants.

Perhaps it is not surprising that other variants are gaining after the BA.5 wave and the vaccines with BA.5 have applied selective pressure to mutate in ways that evade immunity from BA.5 infection or vaccination.

Since we weren’t able to control the spread of this virus at its early stage when it was stable and mutated very little, it seems too late to target just a few particular strain(s) of the virus at this stage. At the rate Omicron mutates, it will always win the battle of speed, in the absence of a universal vaccine.

I wonder how these results about these variants may be skewed if there’s been a significant reduction in PCR tests.
Many who might test positive on a home kit may not feel or have a reason to get a PCR test or to report the results to a state or commercial lab.

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Ugh… another covid wave may be working through my office. My division occupies one half of a suite. We have one big room. Another division has an identical space separated by the secretary/accountant’s area. Last week, for 4 days I could hear someone blowing their nose VERY loudly all day. Super congested. I tried not to say anything, because I always gripe… But finally, I asked who it was. The person in the middle area. Thursday, the person finally tested for covid - positive. Joy. I don’t spend time around that person, but plenty of others do.

Today, another person from the other side is out with covid. He does love to sit and talk for hours (if we let him) on our side. Fortunately, I was out all afternoon and didn’t see him too much. But, another guy on my side is also out sick. Not sure what he has…I can hear another sniffling and snorting at the far end of my office, but he was out last Thursday sick with something…

Did I mention we have our big Austria trip in 2.5 weeks? I’m a paranoid person as is, but ugh… Please either let this die down or blow through quickly…

Are you masking with an N95 in your office? I remember your posting before about how people don’t take covid seriously in your area.

Same for my area, unfortunately.