<p>So I did not get into either section for my Chem 101 lecture or recitation. Therefore, I only currently have 4 c.u. The 003 and 005 sections of Chem 101 are the ONLY that fit into my schedule.</p>
<p>As a Vagelos student I must take 5 c.u. Do I get any preferential treatment or special advantage during the add/drop period? Can Ponzy Lu pull any strings to get me into one of those sections? I only ask this because I need those 5 c.u.</p>
<p>Also, if I didn't get into either section during Advanced Registration how is it possible that I could get into them during the Add/Drop period. Do students have to drop out? Should I try to contact the professors directly or talk to Ponzy? </p>
<p>Talk to Ponzy and maybe he can force you into the Chem 101 class you want. I've heard of advisers with lots of sway being able to place their kids in sections they want. You will not be able to get into 005 because it is only open for engineers. I made that mistake last year. You could always get permission to get into it, but why would you want to?</p>
<p>Yea I had no idea that 005 was just for engineers. That wasn't stated anywhere. How did they expect us to know? </p>
<p>I emailed Leslie Shinn and maybe she will forward my request to Ponzy. I'm hoping I can just get into 003 on 8/11 but if not I might have to ask Ponzy to exert his powers to get me into that sections.</p>
<p>Thanks again Venkat as always with any Vagelos related question.</p>
<p>Oh and just on a side note. I know you decided to leave the Vagelos program to pursue Economics, right? So how did you make up that General Chem lab? Did you just take a chem lab even though you weren't taking a chem lecture?</p>
<p>I dropped Vag before I was ever admitted. My Why Penn essay was about Vag. I wasn't admitted directly because I applied ED, but during my Penn Preview session I talked to my adcom who said a quick email to Ponzy should get me in (considering I had 5s in AP Chem, BC Calc, 800s in MathIIC, Chem, and Physics C and Calc III under my belt from senior year on top of a year of research at NIH). However, I thought long and hard before sending the email and figured I wasn't interested enough in science to pursue Vag. Sure enough after a semester at Penn I dropped my Chem major and am pursuing Econ. That didn't stop me from learning a lot about the program before hand. It also helps that I know nearly 10 people who are still in the program.</p>
<p>I think I know way too much about Penn. I really should have pursued the whole tour guide thing.</p>
<p>I was wondering, whats the difference between chem 053 and 055?</p>
<p>chem 53 is for all chem 101 sections except the major section. 55 is only for the major section (chem 101 003?)</p>
<p>I talked to one of the advisors and she told me to try and get it into the section on Aug 11. If not she said not to worry because they'd be able to get me into it. </p>
<p>Also, how did you find out that the major section of Chem 101 is 003? I did not want to be in the major section for the specific reason that I didn't want Chem 101 to be very hard since I'm carrying a hefty course load already. </p>
<p>How much harder is the major section than the regular sections? I've heard that the curve is tougher. But it might work out well. I was really debating between 101 and 015. Maybe 101 major section will be a nice balance. Do they cover any more topics in the major section? </p>
<p>Thanks again.</p>