Valedictorian Acceptance Rate

<p>I saw on the Upenn site that they accepted 43% of vals last year. I was thinking about this and wondered what actually counts as a valedictorian. For instance, some schools have 10 valedictorians, and I’ve heard up to 40-something at a school. So does that 43% apply to all these sorts of valedictorians or what? I’m hoping the fact that no one shares my rank of 1st helps…</p>

<p>any comments?</p>

<p>I believe that valedictorian includes shared valedictorians...anyone who's rank 1. Applying as a non-shared val in a large class should present much better odds than the average val (think about it...some come from schools w/ 30 kids). </p>

<p>BTW, I believe the val acceptance rate was 46%, not 43%. For the record! :)</p>