<p>I am beginning to wonder how much weight colleges really place on the valedictorian in admissions. At my school, the kids who are at the very top (1-2%) are only there because of the classes they take. I am in the top 10% or so, but my course load hold me back from those top spots. Let me give you an example. I have AP Physics, they have AP Environmental. I have AP Stats (contrary to popular belief, this class isn't a breeze at my school), they have AP Spanish (this would be the "easy" class if there was one). Mix in some honors classes vs. ap classes, which are weighted the same for us, you have a group of kids who are at the top because of the classes they chose. </p>
<p>This has left me thinking that class rank, assuming that it is in the proximity of the top, is just as valuable with tough classes as those who have the top spots with easy classes.</p>
<p>What do you guys think?</p>