Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

She could see the dates but could not register until this weekend .


My kid was accepted and notified with the Mosiac box- he can enroll in a student panel called “committing sight unseen” for this month and see quite a bit for next month.

Do the math.

Approximately 5 percent of students will be admitted.

CC is an “extremely limited” sample of students.

Above you will notice there are double digit posts about positive portal sign ups.

Doesn’t register mathematically.


I see what you are saying but there are not double digits positive portal sign ups. There are double digits negative portal sign ups.

Give it time.

The point is the positive posts are significant relative to the CC sample size and the CC sample size is insignificant relative to the amount of admits relative to the number of RD applications.

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My daughter got early admission to Blair yesterday and our Blair welcome event will be this Thursday.



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It seems like there are often posts about portal “hacks “ or glitches that may offer early notice of an admission decision - I highly doubt any of these pan out in the end. My kid was notified of admit a few weeks ago - could then see the admitted student sessions offered but could not register till much later. It’s super stressful but i don’t think anyone who hasn’t been given a formal notification of admission can access any of these events .


I also was able to get through and registered for two admitted student events. Probably means nothing but it’s interesting and I am hopeful!!

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Me too! I’ll see her on Thursday. Does she play an instrument or voice?

It was last year! Decisions released at 5 pm CST.


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Does the Admin session hack work for everyone?

According to the Reddit thread, there are a few people for whom it worked and several people for whom it didn’t work.

But it seems like many hadn’t heard a decision yet and were able to sign up for the admitted student events and get emails back that they were registered. Any then many couldn’t get access so they assume they were denied.

I’d be curious to see after decisions come out whether there is a correct correlation here. If that is the case, it really is disappointing that students have to find out this way that they were denied acceptance. Not a very good look for Vandie I would say.


Totally agree and seems like such a big oversight on their part.


My son was able to register for some of the sessions, but he was already admitted…ED2 last year and deferred for a year, so he will be in the class of 2025. He did it via the link that was shared above and I’m not sure if anything was listed in his portal or not.

ETA: I just asked him and when he checked his portal earlier in the day when I was telling him about this thread, he said nothing was listed there.


I could get in to register also.

Given the year that these young adults have all had and the enormous pressure that seniors typically face, now add the whole COVID year and all of the sadness, isolation, uncertainty and delays, literally lives turned upside down, you would think there would be a little more consideration from schools. Regardless of how accomplished, well-rounded, mature, etc these kids are (and they sure are!!), they are after all only 17, 18 or 19-year-olds, and I don’t think that enough consideration is given to that, and the fact that adding additional stress is not helpful.