Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

No such thing as a stupid question. I think they would have as they usually release on Wednesdays and the first admitted event is next Tuesday… So even if they don’t release today it would almost definitely be before next Tuesday. It wouldn’t make much sense if they haven’t finalised decisions yet given such a short amount of time left, but you never know…

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In 2019, s19 was WL at Vandy and I was able to register him for Anchor Days (which in preCovid time is their in person admitted students days) prior to getting his decision. I do think there might be some connection but I also think that it’s possible that all decisions might not be loaded yet resulting in kids not being able to get into these sessions quite yet. Still, with an acceptance rate of 5 percent or so in RD, I don’t think we are going to see that many acceptances in this thread.


It could be quite possible that all decisions aren’t loaded in the system yet. I have seen two post where this has happened with different universities. Both got access denied but were accepted and in one case a generous scholarship. My advice, be patient and don’t let this add to the already stressful year. Enjoy this time.


Has anyone considered calling the admissions office and getting an insider answer? More than likely they’ll be tight-lipped (they were when I called a few days ago), but maybe since they’re ever closer to releasing decisions, they may be willing to tell us when they come out. Can’t hurt.

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I am curious about how many RD apps they recieved. Waiting for the stats to come out!

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I saw this and I called the Vanderbilt admissions office just now. After holding for a while, I was told definitively that decisions will not be released this week. They will send out an email this week giving out the day and time for next week. If there are admitted students events on Tues & Wed, my guess is that Monday 3/29 is the day.


Nice so just maybe all the access denied means nothing… thank you for sharing and taking the time to call.


Thanks for calling!

Do you have similar insight on the Duke Regular Decision? :grin:

Did you mention that some have reported that they can register for Admitted Student Days (and if so, did they speak to that)? Thank you for calling. At this point, I would assume that it is good news for those whom are able to register, and not so much for whom access is denied.


What time do decisions normally come out?

I have a funny feeling that Vandy got someone monitoring this thread. I was able to register for the admitted student events yesterday. This morning, it showed me access denied. Now, it says “This event is not yet open. Registration for this event will open when Regular Decisions are released.” The admissions office has clearly realized that people were trying to read into this portal and has decided to make changes to the portal. :joy: :joy:


Mine says the same now :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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But you already received the confirmation of your registration, right?

If they’re trying to hide it, is it likely that those who could register are admitted and those that couldn’t are not?


Where would you go to register?

When you called, did you mention the issue with some that could register for “admitted student events” and others that couldn’t? Just wondered if you had that conversation with them and they were able to provide feedback on indicator of whether that meant someone was accepted or not. Not that they may say out right but they might directly avoid which could indicate issues too.

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I was able to register since I was able to get in and all my information was there. I just needed to press register/submit (I forgot what it said), but I did not press the button. No need for unnecessary trouble.

No idea what is means. I think it is very likely just some sort of glitch. I won’t read into this too much since the decision is very likely to come out soon next week.


Oh definitely. It is all over Reddit too