Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Precisely, it doesn’t harm one to be hopeful as optimism can be a wonderful thing, but with that said rejection by no means defines worth and if you get rejected the school probably just wasn’t a good fit. Admissions is weird this year so I’d say don’t discount yourself too early and don’t set expectations too high either cause it seems very difficult to predict outcomes this year (makes things more fun I suppose). Stay hopeful and I hope we can all be proud of our efforts when decisions come out even if it ends up being a denial :grin:


Quick positive comment - There are kids with 36ACTs , 1600 SATs, loads of EC, etc getting rejected by the truckload from every single top 20 school. Rejection from any of these schools means absolutely nothing and says nothing about your (or your kiddos) worth - especially this year. Some of the most successful people I know went to bottom tier schools; and many of the most successful people in the world either didn’t attend college or dropped out.

All of :point_up:t3: being said, I hope all of you (or your kids) find someplace where they feel comfortable and can thrive. Good luck!!


I see what you are saying but last week the vast majority of people COULD NOT sign up and had access denied.


Great advice!

Did adding the “=decision” actually show a decision? Wow.

No, but it showed a link for registering for an accepted student event – but when that link was clicked on, it came up access denied. Seemed to be the same for all who posted.

Confirmed tomorrow after 5:00 Central Time!


Tomorrow! Tomorrow!!

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Who/where was this confirmed?

Email just came.

As of Monday, March 29, after 5:00 p.m. Central Time, your Vanderbilt admissions decision will be available through your MyAppVU portal. At that time, to view your decision, you must log in to your portal. Details of any need-based financial aid awards also will be available via your portal.


John O. Gaines
Director of Undergraduate Admissions
Vanderbilt Universit

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It was emailed to applicants a few minutes ago

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It’s finally time BB!

Sigh, anxiety levels rising.

Just got it, thanks!

Don’t have high hopes, but I’m excited to get it over with :sweat_smile:


Good luck. You never know what may happen. Crazy year!

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Same, just rip the band-aid off.


got no expectations tbh ready to put it behind me


What does email say

good luck everyone!!! i’ve already been accepted through mosaic but i’m really hoping for the best for you guys