Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Yes In-State. Prefer Vandy but…the money is something to really think hard about.

No need to keep speculating - it just heightens anxiety/stress. Decisions will be released in 2 hours, just take a breather and know that you will be fine either way.


i posted earlier that I got a financial aid update email this morning, i was not following this forum close enough to catch the admitted event thing lol and rn the “decision” link shows nothing

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thx you!

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Take the money. What you are getting reflects how smart you are. You will be successful no matter which school you attend. That 250k will be worth millions in a few years if you invest wisely.

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did you apply for financial aid?

What time is it coming out?

5 central/6 eastern


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This experience has confirmed for me how useless the “chance me” discussions are for super selective schools like Vanderbilt. My guess is that if most of the users here shared their stats, we would say in the abstract that you are all qualified to get in Vandy. And by qualified I mean GPAs and similar stats that put you at or near the midrange for accepted students. The problem of course is that Vandy gets thousands upon thousands of applicants who are qualified. The school has the luxury of picking whoever they want to achieve the type of class they want to shape: in terms of major, diversity, region of the country, public/private, urban/rural, talents/interests, etc. Being accepted or rejected is not an accurate measure of whether you are better than or inferior to anyone else. With an acceptance rate so low in the single digits, the reality is that most of us are not getting good news tonight. We all need to remember that we’re the consumers in this scenario. It’s like if a restaurant has no openings for reservations, or if the line outside a club is too long. There are plenty of other places to have a great time. If Vanderbilt is sold out, there are lots of other colleges where you can get an awesome education. Good luck to you all!


Congratulations on gettign the Honors @ UGA!

A bit like the sorting hat conundrum, isn’t it: Gryffindor or Slytherin? What makes your situation more complicated is also the $ involved. Hard to overlook the $, but I’d go to place without taking $ into consideration (again, if I (or my parents) could afford it).

Yes, I think there’s a flaw in the idea of “chance me” as it’s looking at your objective qualifications relative to the people they admitted in past years… simply asking are you at the minimum necessary. But in reality, AOs are looking comparatively and are choosing the most qualified people, not just people who are qualified.

Well said.

good luck to everyone! I’ve been on a waitlist streak so I am not too hopeful, especially with the stats coming out, trying to remember that we will all end up where we are meant to!


No, not worth it because you will also then most likely need to take loans out for medical school so that by the time you finish undergrad + medical school your debt could easily be mid 5 figures. Meanwhile, UGA Honors is free, you’ll get some perks in an Honors program, no debt and then can focus that all onto what medical school you want. But if you go $250-300k in debt now for Vanderbilt, how will you feel doing it again in medical school (which will be even more) and then a residency that by the time you can start to pay it off you’re in your 30’s!

been on a rejection streak after starting 3-0 lmao

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We are full pay and didn’t get the email.

There’s a professor from Rice University I met. He said that if you’re intending to go to grad school, it doesn’t matter where you get your bachelor’s from. It’s not going to ruin your future. UGA’s a great school, and a full-ride to UGA is perfect.


Full scholarship to UGA… wow, congrats!!! My OOS D got into UGA EA and in Honors as well, but definitely not much merit aid. It’s currently her top choice but needs more merit aid. Otherwise she has less expensive options both in and OOS.

How out of place would a midwestern kid who is super liberal and activist feel at Vandy, in your opinion?

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