Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

did someone say that mosaic may come out today if they stick to their usual schedule?

Did anyone hear about MOSAIC today? I’m guessing it might be later this year than last year due to the increase in apps etc.


Were finalists for Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship already sent out? If not when do people expect them to come?

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I called today admissions and was advised that mosaic comes out on Monday.

Cornelius Vanderbilt mid-March.


As I posted up thread, in 2019, the CV award recipients were emailed on March 8th–I know this for a fact, since that is when my DD received her email.

I checked last year’s RD thread, and posters said the CV awards were announced on March 9th. In years prior, the award notices were sent within a few days either way of March 8th (someone posted the dates in last year’s RD thread). They do send out denials as well, but last year it seemed that some did not receive the denials until March 10th or so.

Check your SPAM folders as that is where the CV emails sometimes end up (it is where my DD found hers).

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Anyone got the Mosaic email?

Have any been sent yet?

They have not per admissions. They said now it may be today or later this week.

i called and someone at the admin office said they come out on the 25th

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So it will be coming out on the 25, do you know what time? Also, is MOSAIC just for minorities?

As per Vanderbilt’s website: “MOSAIC is a multicultural student recruitment program which invites about 200 admitted students from various minority backgrounds and rural areas to visit campus during one weekend in March.” Their Instagram says that the event will be virtual this year, however.

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When do RD from Blair come out ?

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We both have kids waiting on Vanderbilt and CMU! Both say no later than April 1st. I think both usually come out mid March.


That’s funny! I have kids (twins) waiting on Vanderbilt and I (their mom) and their dad both went to CMU!


And they aren’t going to go to CMU? Legacy?

No. We were there for a Science Olympiad and they didn’t like the campus. :frowning: And they are aiming for somewhere with warmer weather!


Is MOSIAC coming out today? If it is does anymore know what time? Thanks!


Someone on last year’s thread said that they received an email for MOSAIC at 1:17pm PST. According to people who have called the admissions office, it is coming out today. There’s no way to really confirm that so I guess we’ll see by the end of the day!


Thanks so much!