Vanderbilt Orchestra for non-Blair students

I’m a student who got accepted into Vanderbilt’s College of Arts and Sciences for the class of 2019 and I was wondering if Vanderbilt offers any orchestras that students can perform in “for fun.” I’m definitely not the most skilled violinist however I would like to continue playing in orchestras as I’ve always enjoyed the experience.
Thank you :slight_smile:

We had this question ten years ago for the class of 2009 for elder son. So this is 10 year old stale advising. Son went to the Dean of Blair in person on accepted student day in April and asked if he could be permitted to audition so he would know if he could have a lowly viola chair. There really is no such thing as lowly viola chairs in a conservatory. He was told that he was welcome to audition after he moved in in September and he could take his chances. That said, at Rice there is an orchestra that conservatory students supervise for those with more casual skills. This son went to Duke and played for four years. They don’t have a conservatory quality symphony orchestra. You can look into chamber music with people with similar skills. Vandyson enjoyed taking some classes at Blair, and you can too. It is one of Vanderbilt’s best little secrets that lessons on an instrument are quite terrific and convenient at Blair, there are plenty of music courses that have appeal outside of the conservatory and there is a great music scene and great symphony hall downtown. Duke son felt that playing was essential to his mental health but keep in mind that most students left their instruments in their lockers all year and seldom practiced solo. Vandyson became better at being a music appreciation buff in Nashville and dropped playing as he was mediocre on a good day.

wow…this is an exciting (although already three year in progress) development. So glad that competent players have their own Vandy orchestra now if they are not up to the task of playing with the Blair orchestra…re the commitment and skill set and practice hours required there. Duke son would have definitely chosen Vanderbilt if he had this option back in 2005. Playing in the Duke Symphony for four years was essential for his mental/emotional health and was one of the places where he made friends immediately. I don’t think Vandy son even knew about this opportunity his senior year…he would have filled a viola chair as well. one more reason Vandy has it “going on”…:slight_smile: