Has anyone else applied for VSA Session III 2018, has a child who applied, attended in the past, or knows someone who attended in the past?
About me: I applied during the “priority window” on February 1st this year with a 1330 PSAT. I will be a rising senior this summer and really hope that I get in. I’m really hoping to communicate with people that have also applied for the same session.
Yes. I am a rising senior also. I also applied using my PSAT score. What class did you sign up for?
My top choice is special topics in mathematics, then beyond calculus, and then the big business one. How about you?
hi, yes! my daughter will be a rising senior & applied for session 3, 2018 during the priority window. She is hoping for computer programming, nanomaterials, or special topics in mathematics. She used her PSAT and ACT scores.
Good luck to all! I wonder when we will be hearing something!
I believe we can expect to hear back from them around the last week of February. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for us!
My daughter applied for session 3 and put the programming class as her first choice. Has anyone heard back?
My daughter just got accepted ! She was assigned to the Beyond Calculus course, but also is on the wait list for higher ranked choices.
@coffeemomCO What day did you guys apply? My daughter’s status is still showing as “submitted”.
My daughter attended for two summers, She attended after her junior and sophomore years in high school and thought it was a great program. She got the welcome letter by email the first week of March in 2016 and the last week of March in 2015.
@Houston1021 and @coffeemomCO so did your daughter’s come as a letter in the mail not email?
@janiemiranda My daughter applied on February 1. Computer programming was her first choice, but she is on the wait list for it I think, and was assigned to her third choice.
@janiemiranda It came through email!
@coffeemomCO We hit the submit button on Feb. 6, so I guess there isn’t much of a chance of her getting computer programming either. I hope we submitted everything properly with the application. Do you think acceptances all came out at the same time?
@janiemiranda hang in there! Your daughter applied during the priority window, so I think she’s in as good of shape as anyone, timing wise. I read somewhere that they take all the applications submitted during the priority window and assign them a random number and then review them. So, she’s being looked at in the first batch! That’s good.
What we don’t know is what criteria they use to decide placement! I think I read that admissions would be rolling, starting in late February… so I think this is just the start. Plus they keep moving kids up in their ranked choices if spots become available.
@coffeemomCO Thank you
Hopefully tomorrow!
Darn it. Wait listed. Her choices apparently were all the most popular ones and I made a big mistake helping her with the application . . I only included her ACT score which she took in the 9th grade. I didn’t include her 2 years of PSAT scores that showed her in the 99th percentile. Well now, we have to find something else for her to do. I thought the high ACT score would stand alone but unfortunately no.
I called them and they said that my not sending in the PSAT scores had nothing to do with getting waitlisted. Basically if you are deemed qualified for the program (which she was) then if you submitted in the priority window then the kids are placed in their classes based on a random selection process. Unfortunately all the classes got filled before her file came up in the selection process.
@janiemiranda Darn. She is qualified for sure… how many did she rank? Did the give you an idea on the phone if she’s high up on the wait list?
@coffeemomCO - The nice lady on the phone at Vanderbilt seemed to think the Nanomaterials course might be my daughter’s best shot. I don’t think my dd was very high up on any of the waitlists but apparently the Nanomaterials had the shortest list.
Anyway, I guess we are going to try to find something else to do but she was really excited about Vanderbilt.
The nanomaterials course was my d20s second choice anyway so if she gets that she would be thrilled.