Vanderbilt Waitlist 2027

I was thinking that too. I’m Engineering major and haven’t heard of anything. I’m just trying to be patient!

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Do you think we’ll be getting some sort of email anytime soon?

i hope so. the lack of engineering waitlist acceptances makes me simultaneously hopeful and nervous

Honestly, the waitlist process is brutal. I wish schools would be a lot more transparent with timelines and how many spots they have, etc.

I want to email my AO but I’m scared I’ll make her mad.

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I don’t think it would make her mad as long as you haven’t already reached out a bunch of times, but you could also just try to call and not provide your name if you are worried…

I just don’t know why it’s taking so long lol. No emails at all. Last year they were hearing back by today

I’m wondering if it’s by region. If people on the east coast hear first, then Midwest, then west coast. But I agree, I wish colleges were more transparent with their waitlists

sent an email… i hope it does not come across in a bad way

What did you ask, if you don’t mind me asking

just asked for an update

ohhh let us know what they say!


Has anyone heard anything today? Or at all?

I have not heard anything other than the one email everyone got a while back asking if we still wanted to remain on the waitlist. But I don’t think they email you individually unless they are offering you a spot. Does anyone know if they send an email out once the class is filled and the waitlist is closed?

They don’t send that email out until July when the class is for sure full. It’s still too early to determine that and send it out. Other than the one email that was send to everybody, I haven’t heard anything.

AOs are there to help, as long as you’re not sending them an email every day, they won’t be mad.

I don’t know if I’m the only guy me but I literally have not seen, read, or heard of anybody getting off the waitlist yet. It seems really odd as the forum for last year had people getting off by today. Not really sure how they admit people off

people have been getting off but i don’t think anyone has today. my guess is that there will be another wave later this week!

Quite a few were given offers off the waitlist last week. Some are on this thread and others on reddit. They appeared to be all from Arts and Sciences or Peabody. Hopefully more to come this week!


What about for School of Engineering?