Vanderbilt Waitlist 2027

Annual discussion thread for all things waitlist

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Someone on Reddit just got off the WL. Did anyone else have this happen?

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No, but I saw that on Reddit also.

I feel like that had to be a unique case. It has never been this early…

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Did vanderbilt waitlist a lot this year? I got in contact with my AO so I hope that means something

I couldn’t find an email for my AO. How did you contact yours? And as for waitlisting, I’d assume they waitlisted a couple thousand, but there is no saying how many accepted it.

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Yeah, maybe, I saw the same thing happened to a few people at UChicago. It does seem early.

I still don’t think the real first wave will be out until May 1st or 2nd.

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I see there’s another person who got a waitlist offer on the 14th. Do we think there was a first wave? Why before May?

Maybe filling very niche spots? It definitely seems early but hopefully that means a lot of spots are opening up!

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Yeah maybe? I’d assume there were very distinct things Vandy wanted this early.

I didn’t see the 2nd person. Did you see it on Reddit also? Did either person mention major or where they are from?

Bio and Cali (from r/collegeresults on Reddit)



Did anyone get the recent “Action Required: Vanderbilt Waitlist Information” email?

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Yes, I received that same email from Vandy this afternoon. Their email asked that I reconfirm my interest in remaining on the waitlist.

Interestingly, after I logged into MyAppVU and reconfirmed my interest, nothing happened. I did not get a confirmation email. Nothing on my application webpage changed to show that I successfully reconfirmed my interest. I therefore have no assurance that my interest to stay on the waitlist (which Vandy requested today) has been freshly registered in their system.

Did the same happen to you, avatarrow?

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Yep, the same thing happened to me. However, I think everyone on the waitlist got the email.

Yeah same thing happened with me.

Yeah, same. They are just toying with our emotions. ; )

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Based on past years, the first wave of acceptances should be today or tomorrow!