VCU 2024

My son has decided NOT to go to VCU - is there a place where we’re supposed to go to let them know that? Seems like the nice thing to do…

@Litva4 I started helping my son decline offers recently to give people on the waiting list a chance. He narrowed his list to 4-5 schools (he applied to 12), and VCU is still on his list. But we’ve started writing “Thank You” emails to decline the ones he knows he won’t be going to.

I found this article very helpful. They indicate email is best.

Thank you @Graphitemovermom ! That’ll be a nice project for him. I was thinking of freeing up spaces on the waitlist too.

@SteveMM yes. Tag me on the VCU Parents page. I can’t seem to add the link here.

@TheMonaLisa - I don’t think I can tag you unless I know your real name.

@SteveMM - ah, of course! Hahaha! Do a search for VCU Parents - Class of 2024. You’ll find my post about the group! Or create post with my @TheMonaLisa ID…

I’ll do that as soon as the VCU Parents page accepts my request to join. It’s been sitting there for days.

Input needed please - son got accepted to VCU Engineering with a $8000 per year award for 4 years. Also got accepted to UVA Engineering. What to do? Is the prestige from UVA “better” than the money from VCU? Difficult decision for us.

@vabmom123 Has your son visited both schools? Which school does he feel most at home at? VCU and UVA are two very different campuses. I’m not familiar with the Engineering program at either schools so unfortunately I can’t comment on that.

FYI Step 8 on the VCU Freshman Checklist - Prepare to register for courses is open.

“First-year students will be pre-registered for their fall coursework prior to Orientation. First-year students must complete the course registration survey for the semester that you will be entering VCU”.

Thanks for the head’s up. It appears the math placement test is also active now.

“Fun” story: My daughter is a dual-enrollment student, took college-level statistics and pre-calculus with trigonometry while in high school, and received college credit for both. Despite that, we were told by a transfer coordinator at VCU that she still needs to take the math placement test.

Oh … and she’s not required to take any more math for her nursing degree. So, she’s not even really “placing” into anything.

@SteveMM Yep. My son is in the same boat. Has Calc AP credit, is taking AP Stats. Is going into Film and Marketing, should be done with math before hitting campus. Still had to take the dumb thing. 3 hours later, including practice tests, missed one question each. lol

@pcarnette - Is your son particularly good at math? I’m guessing so, since he has credit already for AP Calc. My daughter claims she’s not good at math, even though she’s gotten A’s and B’s in all of her math classes. She’s worried about the test because she isn’t taking any math at all this year and may be a little rusty.

@SteveMM Sorry for the delay in my reply. I think my son is particularly good math. It is probably his best subject. We always thought he’d go into Engineering or Science, but he fell in love with Cinema.

That said, I asked him if he thought the Math Placement tests were particularly hard. He did not. He did, however, take the practice tests offered beforehand. He thought they were a good refresher. I’d recommend your daughter do that too.

Here’s an update from Dr. Michael Rao on the VCU fall semester:

Has anyone been able to log in and fill out the housing application? We’ve been trying since it opened.

Finally got in at about 11:15 tonight. We were really starting to think it wasn’t working!

There is no rhyme or reason why some got in earlier, some later. My son got in pretty early. His time stamp was 4:12pm (which I think is the time he entered the housing portal), but it took awhile to fill out - the pages were loading slowly and twice he got kicked out but luckily he was able to continue where he left off.

Wow. Your son was one of the lucky ones for sure. My daughter got into The Honors College and finally decided she wanted to live in the Honors College dorm. We were told that as long as she got her application in within a reasonable amount of time after it opened, that she’d almost certainly get her choice. It’s stressful anyhow!