VCU 2024

Same thing for my son. Applicant portal had a “congrats on your acceptance” on Saturday and now it’s just back to a generic portal message. He applied on 10/31. Please share if you hear back from them :wink:

The same thing just happened to me. I was accepted and now it is gone. However, I already took screenshots of my acceptance. But, the applicant portal is back to normal.

Would definitely like to know what you hear from admissions. We have not received anything via regular mail after seeing the acceptance on the portal.

Just received this from VCU. How does a glitch like this even happen? Just terrible as everyone in our house was very excited. :frowning:

"Recently you logged in to review your application status via your VCU applicant portal using a link that was not provided to you by our office. That link allowed you to access the VCU admitted student portal rather than your personal VCU applicant portal; however, your application is still in the review stage and a decision has not yet been made regarding your admission to VCU.

we understand that this experience was not ideal for you, and we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience it may have caused you or your family. Please know that taking careful consideration of your application is very important to us and we are working diligently on application review.

All students who apply and submit all required application materials by the January 15 deadline are guaranteed to receive an admissions decision by April 1. VCU reviews applications on a rolling basis; therefore, you may receive your decision sooner.

If you have questions about your application status, please visit your VCU applicant portal or call our office at (804) 828-1222 and ask to speak with any available admissions counselor or application processor. They will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for your interest in VCU."

My son received the same email last night. Very disappointing.

Thanks for letting us know. Not a fun thing but hopefully a blip in the process.

Daughter received the same email yesterday. The letter says that she clicked on an email link that was not sent from VCU, but she never even received an email. She had only logged into her portal and saw the congrats message. I wish they would just own up to the fact that they had an issue in their admissions process. But, she was not expecting an answer anyway so she’ll to wait to hear before April 1!

I haven’t heard anything, but neither have any of my friends from my school who applied, so if you or your kid are in the Roanoke area, it might be a regional backup!

Daughter got same email. What kills me is this part: “using a link that was not provided to you by our office” ummm, you did provide the link

Here’s the info I received from admissions: if your acceptance info is now in your portal (as of Dec. 4.), you have been accepted. If the info has been removed, your decision is still pending due to the college you applied to (arts, engineering, business etc.) In other words, some colleges within VCU have released their acceptances and you should see it on your portal. If you don’t, do not worry - your decision has not been released. My D’s message is there and she’s accepted (Douglas Wilder School - criminal justice). There was a glitch in the system when the first acceptances went out in November.

Hope this helps.

that makes sense. My DD is auditioning tomorrow for theatre performance.

Everyone, thanks for the info. My kid’s portal now goes straight to info about the application components, even if we use the link that used to say they were admitted, so I guess everything is undecided. I hadn’t realized how much my kid wants to go to vcu until we went through this crap over the past week. If they do get admitted, I hope it won’t be like this all four years. I wish I could just write off the whole university after this.

my DD got the same admissions email after seeing she was admitted. She auditioned yesterday for theatre and they said she would get one decision letter instead of two, e.g. at George Mason, she’s received acceptance into theatre department and is waiting for decision from the university. I’m assuming she’s passed the admissions panel and they are waiting for theatre decision. She’ll find out about theatre before Xmas. She’s top 10 in her class and has great SAT scores so pretty confident she’ll get in.

@yourmama99 we are in a similar situation–given her stats, we’re confident that dd will be admitted academically (although it being affordable definitely depends on some merit aid since we’re OOS) but we are also waiting on results from her dance audition.

@yourmama99 or @threegirlpileup do either of you know if performing arts acceptances are rolling after each audition or done once all the auditions have been completed?

Thank You for this VCU thread, we were worried as well but haven’t received any email stating glitch.

@milgyfam they told us that she would receive a dance admissions decision in 2-3 weeks but only if her academic application is complete (which it is, but haven’t received a decision yet). I wonder if this means we’ll get both decisions at once?

Dd loved it, but attendance would hinge on getting good merit aid.

DD20 just got an email to check her portal and it shows her admitted.
I thought they only notified via snail mail?
Could this be another glitch in the system?

Also, anyone have a sense of the time frame on scholarship info?

@threegirlpileup not a glitch! I called admission offices a week ago and told me that the notify by email and snail mail now! Congratulations!

My DS was admitted to VCUarts today! I’m super excited! This was his clear number one choice for film.