Vent about UC decisions

I think once the town of Merced and UC Merced finish their plan to grow and merge together better (should have started this 15 years ago), it can be a more appealing college–much like UC Davis. Merced can hopefully morph into a cute college town that’s not a 20 minute bus ride away from campus as it is now. When that happens, it will become as popular as UC Davis. That will help matters, combined with the dropping post 2008 CA birth rate. Perhaps a UC Mendocino should be built as well.


The merge will help, but the location will still not be comparable to Davis.
At Davis you can hop on a bus and be in Sacramento in 30 minutes for fun and internships, and the Sacramento International airport is only 20 minutes from campus. You also can take the daily shuttle to Berkeley, or a Flixbus to San Francisco. Tahoe is also close enough for a weekend get away.


Yield rates for OOS are much lower so the UCs compensate for that. Also, there is likely self selection of OOS UC applications since it ends up costing as much as a top private school but with less prospect of aid or merit. That self selection likely skews the average stats of the applicant. So it’s a little harder to compare apples-to-apples admit rates for some of the UCs.

But yeah, the UCs are an amazing, tax subsidized asset of California so I get losing any slots to OOS is rough. I attended one back when the educational fee started at $500 a quarter!

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Although I am a Forum Champion, I do not work for the UC’s or connected in any way to the UC’s other than trying to help CC posters understand the UC application system from an outsiders perspective.

What everyone needs to understand is that 6 of the 10 most applied schools are UC’s (UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UCSB, UCB and UCD) . 7 of the 10 are found in California with CSULB as the only CSU.

California is a populous state with high performing students. There is just not enough spots at all the UC’s to accept every qualified student. If each UC campus accepted only CA residents with a class size of 7,000/campus with no duplicate admissions, that would still leave around 50% of CA applicants with no acceptance based on the application numbers listed above.

The majority of CA resident applicants are applying to the same schools including several of the CSU’s. They are also applying to many of the same majors such as CS/Engineering/Psych/Biology/Econ etc….

The UC’s have mandated a cap on OOS and International students for enrollment at 18% so 82% of the spots will be for CA residents.
The campuses which have low OOS/International yields have higher overall admit rates and some campuses never reach the 18% mandated cap.

So many of these high achieving students will thrive wherever they land. Yes, disappointment is inevitable but this will not be your student’s only disappointment in life. Have them embrace the schools that have admitted them and take advantage of opportunities available. This is what will make them successful.

I have been on CC as a follower/contributor for 13 years. This forum strives to be a non-judgemental and welcoming place to find answers and ask questions. Hopefully I have provided help and answers over the years as a pay back to the CC posters that helped me through the UC/CSU application process many years ago.

Wishing the best of luck to all and bloom were planted.


Do you know if it still applies that if you don’t get into a UC you applied to, they will offer UCMerced?

If a student is ELC eligible either local or statewide (found on the UC application), then the application will be referred to UC Merced for consideration if there is room available.

Thank you Gumbymom for all the support you provide to students and parents during this stressful period. You have been so informative and helpful and I really appreciate your guidance and prospective. I am so grateful for you!


I just found that every UCs publish the common data each year. In section 7C,
they will tell you how its own “lottery system” based on. For Davis, it show that SAT subject tests are considered for admission, if submitted, which surprised me because I thought they are completely test blind.

Is there a thread where people post their overall UC decision results in one place? Just interested to see how it fanned out by major.

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The UC’s are test blind and SAT subject tests no longer exist . Probably not updated however if you could send me the CDS link, it would be much appreciated. I have been looking for the 2022-23 CDS.

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No there is no such thread but you are welcome to start one under UC General forum.


The file named 2020-2021 and the content shows Fall 2022. It doesn’t mark general SAT or ACT as considered but only subject test.

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Yes, that is the most recent that I have been able to find but does not make sense since Subject tests are discontinued. I believe UCB’s Freshman selection still also lists SAT subject tests.

  • Your scores on AP or IB exams and SAT subject exams

Thank you for all your guidance! It has really helped my D23 and I navigate through this whole challenging application process . We really appreciate all you do in providing unbiased information !


Hopefully more students will apply to UC Merced so that there are higher overall acceptances. UCM should do more to help raise their brand since the current misconceived perception about them does not help!


I guess it is possible for a student to take SAT subject rest in middle school/early high school years before the tests are unavailable.


Last night I had very interesting conversation with friends on UC’s CS acceptance decision criteria. Our friend’s nephew applied to many UCs for the CS major. He is OOS, very smart heigh stats with NMF credential. He was rejected by all except UCD.
Although he has a great GPA, he has never participated in the CS related extracurricular activities. We suspected that all kids who got accepted are kids who already know coding at least.
PIQ shows your level of interest in that major you apply for. This kid doesn’t have anything to write about his interest in CS.
Our son was in the robotic club since the 4th grade, learned the coding by himself, and took several CS classes at local community college, and he was a president of his high school robotic team. His PIQ showed all this. He is now studying CS at UCSD, but I wonder how many students who got rejected demonstrated the CS related activities in PIQ.


Good points. I haven’t gone through all of the UC engineering websites but at least Berkeley Engineering spells it out in their FAQ section.

The campus selects its freshman class through a comprehensive review of a student’s academic performance as measured primarily by the college preparatory, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate Higher Level (IBHL), honors and transferable college courses completed beyond the UC minimum, and the level of achievement in those courses; weighted, uncapped UC GPA and pattern of grades over time; test scores; honors and awards which reflect extraordinary, sustained intellectual or creative achievement; sustained participation in rigorous academic enrichment and outreach programs; and the planned twelfth grade courses. In addition, the review includes an examination of the likely contributions to the intellectual and cultural vitality of the campus; diversity in personal background and experience; qualities such as leadership, motivation, concern for others and for the community; and non-academic achievements in the performing arts or athletics, employment or leadership. Applicants to Berkeley Engineering are also expected to demonstrate interest in the major to which they are applying since we receive far more applicants than we can admit.

They also mention it on their general admissions page.

If you are applying to a professional college (such as the College of Engineering or Chemistry), it is important that you discuss:

  • Your intended field of study
  • Your interest in your specific major
  • Any school or work-related experience
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Agree. Let’s be real … the Merced location is AWFUL. It’s needed to serve kids in the area but it’s a terrible location.

My daughter is going to Davis. Go Ags :tada:.


I agree with the ECs being an essential part of the application portfolio but unweighted GPA and rigor of coursework is still the key. NMF is unconnected to grades, and you need to find out what the actual UC GPA was for your friend’s nephew. Also, he is OOS which makes it even harder for CS since OOS applicants tend to be near or above the 75th percentile on the unweighted GPA.
I know many kids at Berkeley EECS who didn’t have CS related ECs but they tend to be applicants who meet some institutional priority (1st gen, low income etc.)