UC Venting thread?

<p>This whole thing is making me feel like a failure… all everyone says is that GPA and class rank are pretty much all they look at. And I feel like my hard work is wasted since ice gone from a 2.6 to a 4.3 after dealing with many problems and it will end as a 3.53. And my class rank, horrible… the sad thing is 95% if the people above me are idiots that know how to kiss ass and manipulate there teachers. I feel like my dreams of going to UCSB or UCB will never come through even though I know I am smart enough… everyone says I’m wasting my time… its getting harder to fight this feeling… I don’t know what can help me :confused: sorry for the giant venting post… I needed it.</p>

<p>I think we can all use some venting every now and then. I don’t think your efforts are wasted. But unfortunately knowing how to advocate for yourself in front of teachers and articulate your personal situation on the UC application are extremely important skills to have if you want to succeed. This is particularly important for UC campuses that have adopted the holistic review process. Berkeley often favor underdog students who overcame hardships. UCSB is still more focused on academic achievement (not holistic review).</p>

<p>Yeah I know how to do that now I just meant like a lot of people in front of me are dumb and cheat and I just got frustrated. But yeah I’m a great writer and I hope the schools I apply to read my story because its been a long road probably for the better… whatever happens happens (:</p>

<p>If you don’t get in, are you prepared to go to a community college, then transfer in after 2 years? It is helpful to decide what is your actual goal: going to a 4 year college right away, or ending up there? There are many paths to success, you know!</p>

<p>@joseq841, you have to live your life the way you want to live it. Stop worrying about the cheaters and dumba**es, you are not like them and you’ll be fine no matter where you end up.</p>

<p>Woah, you go Ms.Sun!</p>

<p>Just remember it’s not the end of the world. I know tons of people who went to community college first and transfered to great universities like cal and ucla! </p>

<p>Sent from my MB855 using CC</p>

<p>Ahh sorry just read this… nice to know there’s still nice people around, thanks guys! And yeah I’ve followed your advice I don’t care what people think anymore I’m just being me and started my own club it feels so good knowing everything I’ve done so far is for myself and I haven’t done anything just because colleges look at it… I feel so free! Haha ok well thanks guys! If I get in then cool but if not ill find my way (:</p>

<p>My best wishes to you and good luck!</p>