Vent about UC decisions

Handshake makes it look like it is coming from a recruiter. Many times it isn’t. If your son just logged on and looked at the job postings by profession, interest, major, region that would be a good starting point. At least he would see what types of things are out there.


That’s good to know but I think he was talking about direct messages sent to his inbox in a semi personalized way but again those might be automated too.


Those are the messages that they are prompting employers to send. “Bob Smith looks like he might be a good fit for your organization. Click here to send a message to him.” Then Bob Smith gets a ton of spam emails and the university is happy. Sorry, I’m getting punchy.


Congrats on the UC Davis admission! Yes, people do need to look at ranking based on major! Anyone can get a CS degree from state schools, etc. It’s someone really special to get from a top 10 CS program.

My freshman kiddo has so far used Handshake to get an on campus job, but she has not used it yet for an internship. She knows she has her old job waiting for her for the summer, and she probably thinks it’s too soon for internships.


Sometimes yes. One can see on the results thread and conclude for oneself.

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Lol. I am trying to hire an Econ/Engg senior for my company and I didn’t want to go the route of Handshake. I simply searched on LinkedIn and sent direct messages to candidates identifying myself as the hiring manager. That has worked wonders.


I agree!

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I have to agree. It was obvious to us that UC Davis was a perfect fit for our daughter and she was super enthusiastic about it from the beginning. She seemed like an Aggie in her PIQs. She’s so thrilled to be accepted and can’t wait to be an Aggie! :grinning:


If it is used for full fill requirements, should it marked as “required for some” instead of “consider if submitted”?

I’d agree on game design, but not on A&A.


I’m surprised no one has raised the most obvious vent: no one fact checks the PIQs. Seems like it is open for people to misrepresent themselves and their achievements.

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That does seem unfair give the OOS schools he got into. Any insights why?

" He has good OOS options- UT Austin, UIUC,UNC chapel HIll, Univ Wisconsin Madison all admitted him for CS or CE" are all top 25 CS schools higher ranked than many of the UCs CS departments that denied him.

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Actually UC does randomly select some apps in Dec to audit. So some students are asked to prove their 20 ECs listed (jobs, awards, activities). I don’t know the % though.

“Unfair” might not be the best term but I’m going to guess a CS major if he is high stats. Waitlisted everywhere it seems. . .there just aren’t enough CS professors around for the incredibly high demand for that major. Otherwise, I’m going to guess he’s “lower stats” (relatively) and/or the PIQs didn’t show a good “fit” for those campuses. Best of luck to him! UCSB on Tues is coming up. . .he only needs one. . .and I’d bet he has a decent chance of getting off the UCSC waitlist.


Where it matters most (when it matters) is that first job. If your husband was in the UK, employers would very much care that it was a red-brick, and even which one! With every successive role, the importance of the name of the college goes down.

On the other hand that many students and parents put an unrealistic value on the name of the college, tying it closely to the USNWR ranking. IRL a lot of people think of colleges in bands, with the famous ones mostly at the top, the ones they have have heard of, and the ones they haven’t heard of. For a specific field, employers of early career employees will know names of colleges who produce a lot of grads, and what programs have good reps.

And for all of this- internships during college can move a student from a never-heard of college status to top of the pile!

ps, our neuro student is amazed that she is in at UCLA & UCSD but WL @UCI and dk about UC-B yet…

I’d say unfair is correct. Look at the OOS the person got into.

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Then I’d say you’re wrong. Nobody should assume that admissions to top US universities is fair. Or life in general, for that matter. As a wise sage once said:


No. It was unfair decision to only be accepted into UCR but accepted into

" He has good OOS options- UT Austin, UIUC,UNC chapel HIll, Univ Wisconsin Madison all admitted him for CS or CE". Those are all top 25 CS schools.

Must have super high test scores.

I agree that if your kiddo doesn’t get into UCD, UCSB or UCI that it will be a head scratcher.

UT CS is outstanding but not cheap OOS.