This summer I have changed lol and I really want to be able to get into a Ivy League/ Prestigious school in the US.
The problem is that in grade 9 and 10 I slacked off, didn’t care about my future,and ended up with horrible marks…
My grade 9 average would be 80%
My grade 10 average would be 70%
I know, it’s horrible and I regret so much I didn’t try harder in school
The thing is that when I actually tried starting this year, my marks are a lot better, and if I can maintain a 96%+ average in grade 11 and 12, would I still be able to intend an Ivy school, or Stanford and similar???
Would they see it as a reform in grade 11 and let it?
I am also in a sport that I have competed at a National level, and also leadership council at school for 2 years so far(not in executive position…yet)
So yeah… I would really love to be at a prestigious university in the US, so if I get really good marks in my last 2 years, would it still be possible??
Financial status is not a problem, not sure if it helps…
Btw, I’m also in CANADA…
Thanks a lot!