VERY different scores between subjects?

<p>Hey guys!</p>

<p>So results came out today. I'm kind of worried about my own score..
CR was 770
Math was 800</p>

Writing as 680.</p>

<p>Will colleges look at the score and be like 'oh what the heck happened here?' for writing? Because like the other two are kind of high, but then I just dropped the ball on writing.
Anyone have any insight?</p>


<p>haha don’t worry you’ll be fine.
i got 590 on CR and 700 M the first time I took it</p>

<p>haha first time i got 750 math & cr and 690 writing
it’s not as big of a drop but that’s not so bad.</p>

<p>No its fine, stop worrying.</p>