Very disappointed with daughter's CS class

<p>The only positive is that he did seem moderately open to partial credit. He told her to go back through the tests and send him comments on them and he will consider it.</p>

<p>Good…maybe you can help her with the comments to “inspire” more points to be awarded.</p>

<p>Are you guys ok with giving the exact course number or title? Or at least PM’ing it to me? My son, with some issues that will qualify him for Disability Services, is going to be a computer science major. I want to be careful about this one.</p>

<p>I’d also really appreciate a PM with class/teacher name. My DS will be a CS major, entering UA in fall 2014. Thanks!</p>

<p>If it’s not too much trouble, could I get a PM as well?</p>

<p>Sorry this is happening.</p>

<p>Not up for making waves right now, everyone has a different experience, but in DSs experience the consistency of teaching, grading and especially advising was all over the place in the CS department. Not limited to this one Honors course. Just be prepared.</p>


<p>Unfortunately I think that’s true at any large university. Some profs are more interested in research, some have a passion for their field, but poor people skills, others are good at teaching. At least in this day and age students have access to tools like ratemyprofessor to help them make choices. However, especially in upper division courses, there may not be a choice as some courses are only taught by one prof.</p>

<p>I, too, would appreciate a PM. I would PM you - but do not have enough posts yet. This has got to be the same class my DS is in because all the statements are what is happening in his class. While he had an A at midterm, his grade slipped to a B in the class on these latest grades some of which were completed in September. I encouraged him to speak with the professor to see how he can improve. Likewise, he had a practice test that went effortlessly and made 100% then the real test was “impossible” in his words. His score proved his statement correct.</p>

<p>Can you pm me too and let me know what professor this is. S3 will be in engineering at UA next year but I do want him to take some basic CS courses. I do NOT want him in this class though. Thanks!</p>

<p>It looks like this is the class, but it’s taught by two different profs. The class size is 29 students, so not big…</p>

<p>CS 150 Programming I (honors version) 2 credits</p>

<p>Yes, there are always some great profs, some good profs, some not-so-good profs, and some why-are-you-teaching profs out there is the college world.</p>

<p>I’m guessing it’s not Marcus Brown. Dr. Brown has actually posted in the Bama forum a few times in the past. Dr. B has his PhD from TAMU.</p>

<p>Oh my…if it’s the other prof…he’s got quite a pedigree…Princeton for PhD and MS, and Vandy for BS</p>



<p>If only he were a dog. (Yes, I realize some would say he is.)</p>

<p>There’s no excuse, in my view, for this kind of teaching ineptitude. Feedback, timeliness, and transparency are essential to the learning process. I encourage those affected to give clear and unflinching feedback to the department head. Otherwise, nothing changes.</p>

<p>So sorry anyone has had to experience this.</p>

<p>Can someone PM the name of the teacher/class as well?</p>

<p>As an Aggie, Class of '84, and as someone who “has a dog in this fight” I’d like to go on record to say that the Aggie is NOT the offending CS150 professor in this situation(: .</p>

<p>I’m in a Computer Science class too and it is a lot more difficult than I feel it should be. However, if your daughter has an F in her class, I don’t think it’ll affect her GPA. She won’t receive credit for it obviously though.</p>

<p>^ of course it will affect her GPA, how could it not?</p>

<p>Sunshine, </p>

<p>that is very wrong.</p>

<p>If this student is taking 16 credits and gets 14 credits of 4.0…and attempts 2 credits with 0 (F in the CS class), then instead of a 4.0 GPA, the student will get a 3.25 for the semester. Still will have her scholarship, but the F will certainly damage her GPA by a LOT.</p>

<p>Uhm, not actually, an F does not affect your GPA. It just counts as a dropped class and you don’t get credit for it, but it has no effect on your GPA because it basically is like you never took the class.</p>

<p>Sunshine, GPA = Grade Point Average. The average of all grades. You average in a 0 for the F.</p>

<p>Sunshine I’m sorry but you are 100% wrong. GPA is for all classes attempted.</p>

<p>lol…no, you’re wrong.</p>

<p>You don’t get credit for it, but it DOES affect your GPA because of the calculation. </p>

<p>Think about it…if it didn’t affect your GPA, then people who are getting D’s in a class would just “go for the F” so that their GPA’s weren’t affected.</p>

<p>So if a semester’s grades are (assume all classes are 3 credits each)</p>

<p>Math — A - 3.0 - 4.0 - 12.0 grade points
English - A -3.0 - 4.0 - 12.0
History - A - 3.0 - 4.0 - 12.0
Speech - F - 3.0 - 0.0 - 0.0</p>

<p>GPA = 3.0</p>

<p>Do you really think that if a person took FOUR classes and got F’s in three classes, but an A in one class that the person would have a 4.0 for the semester???</p>


<p>The student only earns 9 credits, but the fact that he took 12 credits gets calculated into the GPA</p>

<p>A F does NOT count as a “dropped class”…absolutely not. That’s one reason why there is a deadline to withdraw with a W.</p>

<p>because it basically is like you never took the class.</p>

<p>Oh good heavens. Absolutely not. Who told you this? This is absolutely wrong.</p>

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