<p>Currently, I am a Junior. I want to do something business related, and that greatly changes my motives for college applications. I am not completely sure which colleges I'd like to apply to, but I have a few in mind. </p>
<p>Here is a background about myself:</p>
<p>*Freshman: *
Geometry- 93
History- 79 (honors)
Spanish- 83
English- 84
Biology- 89</p>
Algebra- 91
World History- 83
Spanish- 79
English- 81
Chemistry- 90</p>
<p>Junior: <a href="currently">i</a>*
PreCalc- 88
US History- 96
Spanish- 74
English - 84
Physics- 87
Chinese- 90</p>
<p>GPA AS OF NOW: 2.96</p>
<p>Senior year classes:
AP Gov
H Economics
AP Statistics
H Astronomy (semester class)
H Marine Biology (semester class)
CP English
no language.</p>
I always have low foreign language grade (spanish), and unfortunately, it lowers my entire GPA. This is because I am taking Spanish Int 3. (6th year), even though I have only taken 3 years myself. Chinese was added junior year because I wanted to show I could do well starting off in a language, rather than being put in 3rd year.</p>
<p>I am aware that my course selection isn't very 'rigorous' or challenging, and part of it is my fault. I am a slightly lazy person, and occasionally forget to do my homework, or don't put all my effort into a class. Our school requires (except for Senior year) a 95+ average in a class in order for you to get in to honors or AP, which is a huge problem for myself, when I am caught in this very challenging cycle of not getting into a H or AP class.</p>
<p>The school I go to is ranked 1st in the state (public school) of Massachusetts.</p>
<p>High School Sports:
JV Cross Country (1 year)
Varsity Alpine Skiing (4 years)
Varsity Sailing (4 years)</p>
<p>PSAT: 191 (73 Math, 61 Writing, 57 Reading)
SAT: First attempt (1710) (630 math, 570 Writing, 510 Reading) Messed up constantly on test. Will take again this week.</p>
<p>Community Service: 60 Hours.</p>
<p>I am looking at 5 or so colleges at the moment, but am also very open to suggestions some of you may have.</p>
<p>Here is the current list:</p>
<p>College of Charleston
UMASS Amherst
SUNY StonyBrook
Trinity College
<p>I know that my gpa isn't very high, but as I would be going to college for business, I feel that my current strong areas are more prominent than my Spanish grade. I am looking not only for a college/university that would be challenging, but also is fairly inexpensive (15-25k). </p>
<p>The college of Charleston was chosen because of my sailing experience. I would think that would greatly increase my odds at getting into the school.</p>
<p>A few questions as well:
-Do colleges look at certain classes more importantly than others?
-Is Senior year more or less important than Freshmen + Sophomore year?
-Are all the CP classes I am taking destroying my chances, even though there is a reason behind it? Should that be explained to the colleges?[/ul]</p>
<p>I hope that I can find better options for myself, and that you can all help me with it.
Please, if you could provide colleges you think would be a better match, or just simply rate the "estimated chance" of me getting into the colleges listed above.</p>