Very quick question Please :)

<p>How does university of miami feel about graduating early (from high school obviously)
is it considered a negative thing ? positive ? neutral ? .. i honestly really have no clue ..
This is my dream school and i would want to make my app as amazing as possible .. im not talking like a year and a half early i mean like a semester maybe 2 early .. scratch that just a semester early ?</p>

<p>Sounds like a good thing to me. Like you aced high school and are ready for the rigors of a college education. How does your resume look: rank, gpa, sat, act, APs, etc…?</p>

<p>Well rank is around 8%, gpa: weighted 4.0 unweighted 3.3 (they are expected to go up to about a 4.3 or a 4.4 and to a 3.5 this year … if i get all A’s and B+ (junior year) … Ap’s i took 1 freshmen yr and im taking 2 this year … all honors … sats havnt taken but im pursuing around the mid 1900s … And im on track to get that score …</p>

<p>assuming i apply EA … with about 325 hours and decent ECs … not to turn this into a chance thread … that wasnt really the intention :smiley: …</p>

<p>Well, to repeat myself then: I’m not an admissions officer, but if I were I would think that graduating early is only a good sign of your ability to thrive in a collegiate setting.</p>

<p>That isn’t always the case. I was told by an admissions person that many top schools will not take kids early. Just because someone is great academically doesn’t mean they have enough self-reliance and maturity to thrive away from home. Schools do not want mental health issues. However, I know some schools who definitely are excited to get kids early… But do make sure that the emotional stability is there.</p>

<p>I don’t think one semester is enough to make much of a difference in emotional maturity.<br>
If the OP was talking about graduating at say age 15, then we’d be having a different discussion.</p>

<p>The admissions counselors I had spoken to were referring to graduating high school one year early.</p>