Very very quick grammar question for essay! PLEASE HELP!

<p>"...with a weather similar to ____ California"</p>

<p>Should it be "...with a weather similar to that in California"
or "...with a weather similar to California"</p>

<p>Help is GREATLY appreciated</p>

<p>I would say that in California</p>

<p>How about “with a weather similiar to California’s”?</p>

<p>I’d take out “a” i.e. with weather similar to that in California</p>

<p>…with weather similar to that of California
or …with weather similar to California’s</p>

<p>You definitely shouldn’t say “that in”.</p>

<p>The problem here is “a weather”.</p>

<p>Weather is a non-count noun, so it almost is incorrect to use “a”. Better choices would be “a climate” or just “weather”</p>

<p>This means that options for rewording include (among others):</p>

<p>“with a climate similar to that of/in California”
“with weather similar to that of/in California”
“with a climate similar to California”
“with weather similar to California”</p>

<p>Both “that of” and “that in” are OK, but they do sound a bit formal, and possibly even pedantic. Depending on the tone of the essay, you may want to avoid one or both.</p>