Video tour from Collegiate choice or REAL tour?

<p>I am wondering whether I should just buy some videos and watch them whether than just going there. </p>

<p>The videos are from <a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>I will probably get the ones for UC davis, UC irvine, UCLA, and UCSD. I am going to one of these colleges in the fall and I want to see them before I choose, I am having a tough time deciding. I can also just take a week off of work ( I am a senior and work 25-30 hours/week during the schoolyear) and drive there and actually visit the campus. But I am really short on money and I am wondering if these videos are worth it (fifteen bucks each).</p>

<p>Anybody seen these videos before? Is it really worth it to drive there? btw, how old are these videos?</p>

<p>I think its best for you to visit the colleges (maybe your 2 of the 4 you most want to go and have best chance of going, unless you've been accepted already). Good to have 1st hand experience.</p>

<p>I have seen the UCLA and UCSD videos. I like them a lot, but actually going to the schools is better.</p>

<p>I've been to all 4 schools. </p>

<p>What kind of atmosphere are you looking for?</p>

<p>How long would it take you to visit the schools?</p>

<p>Our high school has a library of college videos and books in the career center. Maybe your school has something like it? Or perhaps the public library?
Also, <a href=""&gt;;/a> has a series of short videos on a number of colleges-- be sure to check it out. You can't really get a feel for the campus, though, until you visit it in person.</p>

<p>Either way, watch the videos as supplements...definitely, definitely visit the campuses if possible.</p>

<p>Yeah, an actual visit would be much better than watching a video about the school.</p>

<p>I never watched the videos you're talking about, but I did watch a few of the videos on and I thought they were all pretty bad. They all seemed to be really one-sided and perpetuated stereotypes about the schools, so they're not really informative or helpful at all...</p>

<p>Yes, the videos seem old so they clearly don't do the campuses justice like actual visits would.</p>