Villanova Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Thank you for sharing. Received a message at 12:56pm Pacific.


Anyone who got into honors willing to share stats to see what was needed?

Unfortunately, my pretty high stats kid did not get honors. Disappointing but VSB is still a good option.

Only 10% of the class is a pretty high bar! Wonder if it is numbers driven GPA/SAT or if they go beyond that in deciding somehow.

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D22 got in 3.97UW 4.69W 35ACT with decent ECs. VSB Honors program

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My D has 3.96 UW GPA and a 1530 SAT. Good EC’s and awards. Not sure she could have done more. :woman_shrugging:

Your D has great stats. D22 did not receive any financial aid. We will wait out till all the admission decisions come out.

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Congratulations to your D! No financial aid for us either. Given how competitive this year is, not sure she will have many other options but we’re holding out hope. Just can’t wait for the waiting to be over!

Son had 32 ACT, UW 3.97, W4.7, National Merit Commended, most rigorous and accelerated program at private high school, captain, mock trial, and robotics teams, involved in a research project aimed at finding treatments for rare diseases at a local university, service work, a few regional academic prizes, service work. Villanova legacy. I loved Villanova’s “your child will not be alone” email, and that reflected my own experience at Villanova.

Sorry, he had a 35 act.

35 ACT, 3.98 UW, 4.65 W. Decent ECs, recs, and essays.

4.0 UW, 4.6 W, 1480 SAT, solid EC’s

I have 2 sons at Villanova in Engineering. My older son is a senior and graduating this year. He was able to secure an internship over the summer and had a job offering in September for when he graduates. I think it is a wonderful school and my both my sons enjoying their time there.

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Two kids at Villanova, you must live on bread and butter :grinning:

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MY OOS D got in to Honors. 4.0 W/4.5 UW, 1540 SAT, 2 varsity sports, decent ECs. It looks like a wonderful program and Villanova has been so classy and professional during this process. We’ll wait out the other acceptances (if there are any) but they’ve made a great impression on him (and us) so far.

Yes, but they are more generous than Villanova. My daughter got a scholarship there (Fordham). She probably won’t get anything if she does get into Villanova.

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Not wrong!!! I am kinda hoping the same and I feel aweful.

Just a quick update that our S22 was accepted ED2 to WashU in St. Louis so he withdrew all pending apps (including Villanova). Good luck in RD round at Nova!


Congrats!!! That’s great news. Best of luck to your son!!

Yes, they are a little more generous than Villanova, but the kids applying at Nova have higher stats thus more need-based merit as opposed to merit.
Nova is higher ranked which also makes it more selective.

Fordham’s price tag is 4000/yr higher than Nova (probably the COL in NYC). My DD got 21k (first year) That’s a good way to attract kids since we do not qualify for need-based I think it was a way to entice. We qualify for nothing.