Villanova Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

public school kid here, accepted EA


Does anyone know when the honors decisions come?

Adding NorthEast public school.

Students selected for the Honors Program will be notified by the end of February (Early Action and Early Decision I) or by the end of March (Early Decision II or Regular Decision).

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augustinian catholic school top 5% of class; deferrred

NYC- daughter accepted, engineering, 1520 SATs, varsity sports, 4.0

College counselor here. None of the schools your child’s college counselor referred to as safeties are sure bet safeties for anyone! My top student was admitted to Villanova EA the other day, and I rated Villanova as a Match/Target for her list.

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Agreed. In the Northeastern thread it says they had over 90,000 applications this year. Each year it seems to grow. Not a safety.

I wonder if a school like Villanova overplays their hand and cuts out the strong kids who actually wanted to attend for the super stats kids for whom Villanova is maybe a number 3 or 4. Would be interesting to see how that would shake out.

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EA yield numbers should answer that question, but a lot of those strong but not tippy top kids may get admitted during the regular decision round.

Yes maybe true. What is considered “super stats”?. Our son has 1550 Sat and UW 4.0 and we actually just found out from our college counselor that he is one of top 2 kids (stats-wise) to ever apply to Nova from his school. And Nova is the 6th highest college for his school as far as matriculation… so that’s a lot of kids.

I feel your pain. Similar stats kid here and deferred. Almost highest upper right in Naviance and tons of kids apply. Even though my son put in much effort to the application, Villanova is way down his list and he almost certainly wouldn’t go even if he got in. So, while surprised and concerned about the other schools still waiting to hear from, his deferral did not substantially matter.

The most interesting question in all of this is would to find out if those who got in EA are intending to go. And, if those who got deferred would have gone if they were accepted. Maybe Villanova’s algorithm and AOs are just really good at predicting who is using them as a safety/flyer versus have high intention. It worked with my son who will hopefully get into his ED2 and withdraw with no penalty to Villanova’s yield. Yet, he is still in play if the stuff hits the fan with all his other schools.

I wonder if those on this list would share status versus intention to help get a sense of this. Yes, small sample, etc. but interesting nonetheless.

Those are certainly super stats numbers. This will be an interesting college to watch on how all of this plays out.

A school like Villanova is concerned less with “stats” then they are concerned with “how is this young person going to fit in and ADD to the campus community?”. My son was accepted from a public HS, with a submitted 1460 SAT, 5.0 WGPA, AP’s, multi varsity athlete, and all the other “stats” that nearly all of Villanova applicants have. The most important aspect of his application as we perceived it were the essay questions. In the world of TO, equity, quotas, and all of the other non-statistical factors that are more strongly considered - every admissions presentation we experienced at 10+ colleges/universities stressed the importance of convincing the admissions team that you not only wanted to attend their particular institution, but that you would have something other than “stats” to add to the community.


Hi! I will give an answer to your question. My son was admitted EA and yes, he plans to attend if he does not get accepted at his first choice school (USNA), which is a further reach for him. Villanova is one of 12 schools he applied to and was always in his top 3 choices.


We are in a similar situation, good public high school outside of Boston. Deferred at ND (1st choice), Georgetown, Tulane and now deferred at Villanova (2nd choice) too. ND & Georgetown were not as shocking and we are still hopeful about ND but Tulane and Villanova were somewhat surprising. Now worried will get deferred at Richmond and UVA too. 1530/35 one sitting each, 4.4 GPA, 3 sport varsity captain, 10 APs (all 4/5), good ECs, great recommendations, etc. Highest Naviance kid at our school to apply and everyone around her was accepted in past years. Maybe they were deferred too and then got in?

Has anyone seen any EA stats yet from Villanova re: accepted, denied, deferred?

Deferred EA Nova (and deferred REA at ND).
ACT 35 (first try), 10 APs (all 5’s on ones she has taken except a 3 on AP Spanish), 5.0 or maybe higher? (She has never gotten a B and is in all honors/AP). She also is doing a senior experience internship at Rush University Medical Center every day for two periods. Youth group leader, part time job, president of Medi club, VP of Key club, community service chair on student council, volleyball (school and club), chicago teen mentors (tutoring at risk youth), and trying to think of anything else off hand…. Anyway not shocked at ND but pretty surprised about Nova.
She actually loves Saint Marys (across from Nd) and they gave her a very large scholarship so she is trying to decide if she should just commit there instead of waiting around (and likely get no money from the other two).
Sorry you are in this position too!

I would like to know those stats too.
Notre dame had that great Infographic that was so helpful.
I am a bit discouraged to hear that onto 165ish kids were accepted from last year’s deferred pool. That’s 10%! :tired_face:

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I have my D and one of her close friends. Same high school, friend higher level math and one more year of foreign language.

D, deferred
3.98 UW
Test Optional
Nursing applicant
Good essays
Strong ECs

Ds friend, rejected
4.15 W
Business major
Good essays
Not as strong ECs

My only thought is my daughters strong involvement in Special Olympics and writing about that kept her “in play” as that is a big a activity there.

On paper the admission answers should be the inverse.