<p>So I'm a resident of Virginia, which has both William and Mary and UVA in it. I applied to (and mostly likely will be accepted to) both, but I really want to be up in the northeast because I love the cold/snow/snowboarding. Academically/Prestige speaking, should I waste all the money for undergraduate going to a private university out of state or should I stay in state at one of the aforementioned schools for less? I am applying for finaid at all schools, but I doubt I will get much!</p>
<p>Alot of this will depend on what your parents would be willing to pay or how much you would want to take on in loans if you needed to make up a difference in cost. Virginia schools are excellent so I would look at finances/fit,cost/benefit analysis,etc. if you do end up getting into UVa and/or William and Mary. If money is no object or you qualify for aid for instance, that is different,you could look at schools outside the state if you don’t like any of the Virginia schools. Many top Virginia kids do stay instate because of our great schools.</p>
<p>Depends on what your college choices are in a colder area near a ski resort. I wouldn’t trade UVA for just “any” LAC near the mountains.</p>
<p>Unless your family is loaded, you’d be way better off attending UVA or W&M and spending the money you’ll save on tuition on a trip to a ski/snowboarding resort over Christmas vacation.</p>
<p>The problem with my FinAid situation is that I am a triplet! We are all going to college at the same time, and although the number of us in college will be factored in, it will not help me enough to cut the tuition of say a school like Williams College to instate levels…(I would love to go to Williams btw)</p>
<p>Just an FYI…the Virginia Alpine Ski and Snowboard Team is the most popular club sport at UVa. :)</p>
<p>[Downhill</a> RacersDownhill Racers | The University of Virginia Magazine<a href=“watch%20the%20video%20on%20that%20page!”>/url</a>
[url=<a href=“http://www.skivirginia.org/new/index.php]VASST”>http://www.skivirginia.org/new/index.php]VASST</a> | Virginia Alpine Ski and Snowboard Team](<a href=“http://uvamagazine.org/only_online/article/downhill_racers/]Downhill”>http://uvamagazine.org/only_online/article/downhill_racers/)</p>
<p>W&M is a much more reasonably priced, warmer alternative to Williams. Very similar to each other. In fact, I think Fisk rated them as similar schools, along with Chicago, Haverford, Brown, and Davidson.</p>
<p>You should stay in-state. With UVA and W&M instate I can’t think of any college worth a great deal of extra $.</p>
<p>UVA is very prestigious, as is W&M. Unless you have a school out of state you fell in love with, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to go to one of those schools, assuming you are accepted.</p>
<p>For my D, in-state VA, a number of private schools ended up being less expensive than W&M after fin aid was factored in. (She did not apply to UVA.) However, fin aid can vary considerably depending upon EFC so they same may not be true for you or others. I would say decisions of this sort need to be put off until acceptances and fin aid packages are known. It’s hard to predict in advance.</p>