Virginia tech Class of 2019 regular decision Thread

Since there is no class of 2019 admission thread, I though of creating it.
Post your results and your stats here.

Applied 1/14
Offered admission on 02/11/15
country: India
GPA - 10th- 83%
11th- 72%
12th(predicted score): 85%
Major: Finance
College: Pamlin College of business
one month internship
top 50 in the country in tennis
Top 3 in the state in tennis
Have around 60 national certificates
School tennis team.

I though results will be announced on april 1st. I have no clue how I got in so early

accepted. international student here.
mech. eng.

International Students typically find out much sooner than others. I imagine the shear logistics of attending a school in the US needs more time to figure out and plan than others need. I only say this as I do not want other US applicants getting their hopes up for an earlier notification.

accepted b.arch!

Hoping to find out tomorrow… applied for b arch. Do you mind posting your stats @archapplicant

To those that got accepted, did they send an email? Or did you just check the site?

I was first notified in the app status. I got an email the next day

The Admissions Office sent me a reply that said notifications will be sent after 5:00 PM today on your App Site. If nothing is there then you will be in round 2.

Thank you @Undercoolr I really hope I find out today. I applied early. VT is my number 1 choice.

Good luck everybody, Hope you all get good news

Thanks @Undercoolr. Son is texting me non-stop wondering when they’ll be released. You just bought me 2 hours of sanity.

They’ve started posting, my son’s status changed to “Offered” around 4:10pm today.

Good luck to all!

I GOT IN!!! So happy :slight_smile:

What does it look like if you’re accepted?

Right below where is says “Application Data” they’ve added a block that says “Decision” and in big bold letters it says “Offered”. It doesn’t say what he’s been offered, so I assume it is his first choice, engineering. Again, good luck to all!

@asixbn I guess I won’t find out today then :frowning: Thank you for the info!

My sons status changed to Offered Admission!! How do you know whether he got into engineering or university studies?

I clicked Application Information then Fall 2015 and then it said Offered Admission under Application Data and then there’s a place for me to make a deposit or withdraw my app