Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Son was in state admitted to Pamplin business, 3.9 UW/ 4.3 W, 1460, 7 APs.

His friend in same high school had similar stats but was waitlisted by Pamplin. WTH?

My son is deferred EA from Michigan, and is accepted at Pitt business with merit money. He prefers Pitt to VT so he will soon withdraw his application (hopefully to go to UM). It’s the right thing to do. We hope it helps his friend.


My son, AET, was waitlisted as well. We literally know no one that got into engineering… heartbreaking.


Yes!! This is true! It’s crazy.

Thanks! Now I see it’s renewable for up to 3 years.

Maybe VT is accepting more OOS applicants in EA because they predict that they will be more likely to decline the offer, meaning In state kids will get the open seats during the regular notification?


Something is going on this year that makes no sense.


For starters they had almost 50% more applicants than ever before. By definition that will lower the acceptance rate.


Yes - our kids probably know each other. I can’t believe none of these super qualified kids got in!


I really feel like they just waitlisted everyone instate and they’re going to see what the OOS full pay people do before moving on the in staters. Just my theory

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That is crazy unbelievable and unfair… ism so sorry for your daughter… please make sure she is aware that something is very “off” this year… makes NO SENSE… my daughter is in same boat.

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My son was waitlisted from Fairfax County, VA. Both my husband and I are Hokies. But he has already accepted his appointment to the Air Force Academy!


Yup!! Hmmm…

Son was waitlisted for General Engineering. In-state, 3.8/4.2 GPA. 5 AP, 4 DE…including AP Calc BC, AP Physics C

Anyone see the option to stay on the waitlist? I don’t see the response to waitlist form on the applicant portal.

OOS daughter accepted for Engineering with $3k annual award! 33 ACT, 4.82 WGPA, 9 APs + 6 college courses, 2 varsity sports (tennis and gymnastics), captain of both, Key Club VP, other EC’s and volunteering.

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Congrats to everyone who got in and good luck to the others who want to go here and are waiting on good news!

Instate Engineering/CS - Waitlisted
GPA - 3.9/4.4; 1590 SAT; Great ECs.

This has to be yield protection. We know of other high stats kids that were also waitlisted.


D said her letter said VT received 42,000 applications for 6,600 spots this year!

*Admitted OOS
*College of Business (HTM)
*4.1w (don’t know unweighted)
*No scores - SAT cancelled 3x
*No hooks
*Great EC’s, NHS, jobs, internships
*No FA, Julian Burress Scholarship ($3k renewable)
*No HC offer

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There are too many applications chasing too few spots this year. This is caused by COVID, test optional and the inability to visit campuses. We know of several applicants who submitted up to 20 applications. But, until they invent human cloning, they can only go to one school!

Also remember that 2 years ago VT miscalculated the yield and wound up with way too many acceptances. This was after Amazon announced HQ2 in Virginia and an arrangement with VT (so we can blame Bezos for that too). VT had to convert the Inn at Virginia Tech into a dorm for a year (it’s back to being a hotel, and a good one too!). The area now has more public and private funded housing, so that’s no longer an issue, but VT may still be chastened by the experience.



Anyway, we liked the school but my son wants to go out of state. Fortunately we saved for this (even Michigan OOS full pay) but the Pitt lower tuition and merit $ is very appreciated. In any event, we’ll do our part by withdrawing.

Good luck to everyone who was waitlisted! You have to put up with the chaos for a while, perhaps until August!


My daughter was direct admit for Biology though didn’t get Honors. It’s such a great school though and she is thrilled. They definitely win the school with the cutest merchandise award. No scholarship but we didn’t complete FASFA.


Accepted OOS Engineering
1480 SAT, 3.9 GPA, decent ECs

Forgot to fill out my general scholarship application tho so I screwed myself

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Oh my goodness, that puts them up there with UVA/W&M