Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Has anyone been notified about the ELS scholarship? (For corps of cadets)

Not yet

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DS was Waitlisted for Engineering. Not sure what his chances are to actually getting in so making other arrangements (also accepted at GMU, TAMU and UIUC)
Applied EA
In state
1330 SAT (730 Math)
3.74 GPA (weighted)
Football and T&F Teams
No ranking at his school

Doesn’t VT admit all engineering aspirants to General Engineering and assign major only during sophomore year? do they have direct-to-major admission?

Yes, I was admitted to General engineering with the intent of pursuing Mechanical Engineering in my sophomore year.

ok. how difficult or easy is it to get admitted to one’s intended major at the end of freshman year?

If I recall, a 3.0 gpa at the end of freshman year will get you your choice of engineering major. If it is lower than that, you have to apply (and may not get into an in-demand major).

Thanks. Is this stated somewhere on VT website?


Yes - mine says in the acceptance letter: “General Engineering with an interest in Mechanical Engineering”.

My son decided to go elsewhere, but I wish all of the best to all of the future VT enrollees. Good luck.

Am thinking of applying EA next year. What date did it end up release decisions?

EA decisions came out Feb 19. If you scroll up in this thread you can see the EA decision posts (this was originally the EA thread but mods changed the title and now it’s one long thread for all decisions).

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Son just got in off the waitlist tonight–Super excited! We want to go see it again before he makes his final choice (already deposited elsewhere), but it looks like everything is cancelled in person. Does anyone know if the campus is at least open to the public for us to walk around ?


Same for my son

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Congrats on the waitlist admits. In or out of state Otto?

I was admitted off of the waitlist as well


How were you notified that you got off waitlist?

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DD admitted off the waitlist today!