Virginia Tech Dorms.. (Galileo worth it?)

Hi all :slight_smile:
I got into VT one of my top schools and was having a few queries regarding the dorms. I’m planning on applying for Galileo (is it late…?)
I’m a hard working student but not the '24/7 study study study’s type. I like to relax, enjoy, party occasionally, play video games and also study hard. I’m positive that I’ll be around more engineers and I am okay with not being around people from different majors.
My primary concern are the Lee Hall Dorms for Galileo… Do they have Wi-Fi? I guess they do but ooh well, no harm in checking right! There are no AC’s, so does it get impossible to live in the Summer…?
How does the bathroom and shower generally work out…? With so many people for just a few bathrooms doesn’t it get messy in the mornings ? (I’m a morning shower Person)

The suite style halls like Cochrane and Payne, are those ONLY for the honors or can we normal freshman too get to live there… Are there any special requirements for those suite style halls.
Oh, and How far is the Galileo Hall from Engineering Classes…

Thanks for any feedback, guidance. I really appreciate it :))
PS- I’m international

  1. Lee has WiFi in common areas (e.g., study lounges), but it is advised for you to bring your own wireless router to ensure coverage in your room.
  2. No A/C; two window fans (one pulling air in, the other pushing it out) works pretty well, I’ve heard from DS.
  3. Can’t comment on the bathrooms since I’m going based on DS’s description of life there, and this is not something he’s mentioned. They are cleaned by custodial staff, and I’m guessing that happens daily during the week.
  4. All the dorms (except the Corps dorms) are on the opposite side of the drillfield from where most of the academic buildings (engineering and otherwise) are. So, it’s about maybe a 10 minute fast walk from Lee. That said, DS reports he can roll out of bed at 7:30 AM, shower, dress, and manage to get to his 8 AM class on time. And in the winter, faster is better…

Be advised that being in Galileo requires you take an additional 2 credit (graded) class on top of your regular course-load, and you will have extra work and other requirements associated with that class (e.g., required # service hours each semester, required # social activities each semester, etc.) that will affect your grade in that class. It can be a worthwhile experience, but can also be very dependent on your attitude about it; the extra work and requirements on top of regular coursework and other activities you personally want to do can start to feel like a drag and/or being micromanaged. Honors will also have additional requirements. Not trying to warn you away from them at all … just be sure you understand what is involved as you make your decisions.

@ailinsh1 has answered everything really well. Keep in mind 1 out of every 4 Freshman student is an Engineering student. So, regardless of where you live, you will have Engineering students around you. Yes, you can potentially get assigned to a non-honors suite style dorm. You put a preference and then it is random. So the only special requirement is to be lucky. Keep in mind, these dorms do cost more per semester to live in so if that is a factor keep that in mind.

Thank you very much for a detailed answer.

I would like to confirm one thing - Does it mean that there is NO wifi in the dorms…? @ailinsh1

There is Wi-Fi in the dorms, focused on the common areas (e.g., study lounges, lab space, etc.); every floor has at least one study lounge or common area, as far as I know. But since the dorms are built of cinder block/hokie stone/etc., the signals don’t propagate far beyond the room where they are located. Every dorm room has Ethernet ports; so you can plug directly into the Ethernet. Most people work with their room-mate to figure out who is bringing what, and someone brings a wireless router to plug into the Ethernet port to provide wifi within the dorm room.