Virginia Tech Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Well put. I believe our kids are going to land where they are meant to be. For your son, given the strange admission cycle, it could just be Duke… Good luck :+1:

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Yes, could be Duke or another private. Interest in engineering and computer science seems to have gone up in general in the last few years, and lots of computer science departments are housed in engineering schools. CS has become very popular! Public schools are getting lots of apps and scores have gone up , especially with prep. It seems risky to consider any highly ranked program, like VT, a safety these days. Best to all with finding the best school !


Your son is an outstanding student. He will find someplace great to land but this makes no sense.

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For engineering/CS try Clemson, Auburn, LSU. In a normal year they would jump on a 1560 SAT. I think they are rolling at this point. Clemson is doing engineering info sessions right now. Go down and meet with them in person.

I was in your shoes last year. My son wasn’t even going to Engineering and got WL as an in-state kid. We found out later he applied for a newer program that accepted fewer students; his friends and peers got in okay. I was baffled and he was upset. Luckily, we had already been looking at a safety pretty hard due to the fact (ironic fact) that my son had decided after applying he wanted to change majors and he wasn’t thrilled about having to wait at least a semester to do that. But he was still devastated. But he wasn’t alone- I know there were a lot of kids on the WL. He ended up pulling himself off the WL after getting a nice scholarship at his safety. He is doing that blossom where you are planted thing there now. Wishing you the best!


Congrats to those accepted. DD waitlisted, along with many of her friends from her VA high school. Ballpark from her friends/acquaintances is about 30% acceptance, so not statistically significant by any means, but a true departure from the previously published admission rates. I don’t think being in state from a big school that had many applicants did her any favors.

She’s extremely disappointed (as are her friends). Now to consider which of the more expensive OOS schools to go to that have her area of interest. What an insane year. We are trying to keep her head up, and we hope you all are doing the same!


Glad to hear your kid got into VT - kudos. Sincerely, congrats. Mine was waitlisted but not counting on getting off the list. He toured it last summer and really liked it and even had a summer internship sponsored by VT through their Ballston. VA campus, but no luck getting in. On to the ones he is in at and deciding between them.


@Beeps Thanks! That would be great, but certainly not counting on it.

@willbran Thanks. He actually got accepted to Auburn, so he is seriously considering that option. He loves how it has been a feeder to NASA, so it might end up being a good fit.

@upandaway17 The only catch being from Washington, DC is that there is no real in-state option. For some reason there is no reciprocity for either VA or MD. He’s been rejected from UVA and now waitlisted at VT so those options are both out. He didn’t apply to MD because he said he wanted to go somewhere farther than 8 miles from home. He’ll end up choosing between the 4 safety schools he did get in to.


Good luck gcmom1. I feel for your daughter. If she really wants VT I hope she gets in off the list. Good luck with the OOS options.


Thanks, @Norm91. I appreciate the kindness, and wish all the best to you and your son!

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Honors AP student
4.0 unweighted GPA
Test optional
Captain of 2 varsity sports
Over 300 community service
Many other ECs
Accepted Polisci Prelaw


It sounds like VT missed out on a great student.

Auburn was in no way a safety school this year for anyone. Their application numbers were way up. Congrats to him for being one of the few accepted. Maybe that is meant to be.

Many kids decide on one of their safeties for many different reasons.


The amount of Pell and other aid will differ at each college based on your EFC and the cost to attend.

But definitely check to make sure VT received your FAFSA and they have the info correct.


With VT, there is still a chance that she will get picked off the WL.


Thanks, appreciate that! She will accept the spot on the waitlist and ride it out, but she needs a new solid plan that she is excited to attend.

D has 4.4 gpa, 1480 Sat, 9 APs, captain in varsity sports, numerous ECs and waitlisted at Tech? Obviously, the school is now using a heavily subjective selection process to pick students purely based on the demographics they want. So much for it being based on qualifications and hard work.

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4.56 weighted gpa/4.0 unweighted
ranked 3 out of 345
11 APs
swim team captain
marching band, concert band & show band (section leader)
Tri M music honor society, NHS, and Spanish Honor Society
Swims for USA Swimming club team
numerous volunteer hours

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That is crazy! I’m so sorry. Did she apply to a very competitive major?

This is shocking! Which major?

There’s some first-class yield protection going on in Blacksburg!