Virginia Tech Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Son was accepted and invited to honors with small merit $.

16 APs
Varsity sports, theatre, NHSs (4), community service activities, multiple clubs, etc.

Congrats to all accepted and good luck to those still waiting for decisions!


Norm 91 My daughter is trying to decide between VT, Auburn, Clemson and LSU Honors for engineering. Auburn’s new facilities are impressive. Your son has a great option.


Did not find this website until a month or so ago. In reading through this thread and many others, it really confirms that the educational system in the US is broken for many reasons. Wish all your kids the best in finding a school that’s is right for them. Our son, also waitlisted but fortunate enough to have some options.


Accepted for Finance
Ok ECs
Varsity Sport

Congrats to all and sincere good wishes to those still waiting on decisions!


It usually takes up to 3 days to be able to enter the housing portal for those that have paid deposit.


That is saying that students with gpa’s that fall outside normal acceptance rates don’t apply. So say an in state student with weighted gpa in 3.8 range may not apply to virginia tech knowing they have a slim chance. Thus the acceptance rate is higher because some don’t apply that would not have gotten in.


Great definition! Thanks!!!

I’m seeing several in Psychology major getting denied with higher stats. I’m wondering 1) did a lot of people apply to that major thinking it would be easy to get in and 2) are they yield protecting by not accepting high stat students believing they will not accept. Probably some of both at play.

Wow, that makes no sense. yield? My son has a 4.2 weighted, probably 3.8 core, 1210 SAT, only 3 APs. Very active and spike for music and theater. His essays were okay. OOS from a small school with a decent reputation. This is why I keep telling parents of younger kids to apply to a lot of schools. There is no way to tell who will be accepted.

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This has become pretty common, and not just at VT. I think they are pretty upfront with telling applicants that if you really want to attend VT you should apply ED and show that commitment. When they see high stats kids apply EA it’s my belief that it raises a “merit shopping” flag with admissions. If that in turn gets paired with historic data which shows low offer acceptance from a profile that fits that applicant, then I think they get dinged again.

EDIT: This isn’t to imply that choosing a school that provides the best financial aid is a bad thing, just offering some thoughts on why high stats kids can be deferred or WL’d.

We see it every year, even when VT only had EA and RD.


Completely agree

It might be helpful when people are sharing their stats and the admission decision (accepted/waitlisted/denied) what their intended major was, as it might help clarify some of the patterns in the VA Tech admissions process as VA Tech admits by major.

DD accepted OOS
Biology science major
4.2 GPA weighted
Huge amount of EC
Captain of cheerleading
President of club
lots of AP & honors
Merit $3000

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do they look at the common app essay? or just their prompts?

Those stats are ridiculous! Can’t believe you were waitlisted. Good luck.

I believe they don’t consider the common app essay, just their own four short essay prompts.

They don’t look at LORs either, for that matter.

The Virginia Tech essays are designed for the admissions committee to get a better sense of who you are, both as a student and a person. The short answers questions ask about your character, leadership, and goals. The admissions committee will use your answers to better understand you as a person—who are you? What do you care about? How will you fit in on Virginia Tech’s campus?

It’s important to put some serious effort into your Virginia Tech essays so that you represent yourself well to the admissions committee. These essays are your chance to present a well-rounded version of yourself that makes the admissions committee say, “We have to admit this student!”


DS accepted; Honor; Merit $3000 – OOS
4.0 GPA uweighted
5 APs and in Full IB program
Club Swimming many years
2 jobs (PT aid, Tutor)
But COA is higher than other schools in his list