Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Like others we are eagerly awaiting 5:00pm Eastern time, my daughter has a few other acceptances including Purdue but its always been Purdue and VT for CS. Blacksburg > West Lafayette and she loved VT’s campus more than Purdue. Being in the Midwest that 3 hour drive to Indiana sounds much easier on my brain and heart… but its her choice.

Question wrt move in though, for 1st year Freshmen moving in to the dorms how early are they allowed/expected to move in? We’ve got a Junior at CSU and I want to say he was there maybe** 3 days before classes? If classes start Aug 21 (Monday) when is the best time to get her moved in?


At the admissions info session a few weeks ago the Asst. Director basically said that VT is “test optional” and more than likely forever will be and suggested that they, basically, don’t even look at them. Also said they don’t look at LoR’s nor the Common App Essay nor resume’s (duplicative to what’s already on the Common App). “We really look at transcripts, VT essay prompts and EC’s on the App”.

RD acceptance is only used if space is available for that specific major.

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I have a Junior at VT and freshman move in was done via a requested day/time slot. It’s roughly the full 7 days before classes start and students sign up for the day and time slot they want. I believe that sign up survey appears sometime over the summer after room assignments are done. I’m sure it’s challenging for out of state families coming a distance but it’s even challenging for anyone trying to make hotel arrangements. The hotels fill up and prices go up in Blacksburg during move in/out , parents weekends, home football games, etc. I booked a few different hotel rooms for freshman move in with different dates and then released the ones I didn’t need when it got closer and we knew officially what his move in date was. But we have also had to stay just a bit further away in Christiansburg when I’m not on top of making reservations as quickly.


NoVa is such a competitive area for in state admits.


It is easier to get into VT from OOS than in-state.


My daughter is a 1st year at VT and chose it over Purdue and Duke (engineering). Purdue’s admitted student’s day was super impressive, but it was 2 plane rides (no direct flights from here) plus the ride out to W. Lafayette v. a 3 hr drive to Blacksburg from home. She also preferred the weather in VA. If your D is accepted to VT (fingers crossed), look at doing Women’s Preview weekend in April where they stay overnight in the Engineering Living/Learning community (Hypatia for women/Gallileo for men). Has been a great experience for my daughter. Met all her best friends on her floor. They have similar classes/workload, and she’s super happy there.


Oh, and classes also start Aug 21. If it’s like last year, 1st years will sign up for a move-in slot on Aug 14, 15, 16. Those living in LLCs had to choose from the first two days.


In total true - within programs it can/does vary.

My son is a current sophomore in this program. He absolutely loves it and so do we.
They give you many opportunities to get”hands on experience” at VT. The school has their own network called Hokievision where they train students in a variety of jobs. You can start that freshman year. He has worked for ESPN on the sidelines at some of the football games and has had opportunities to work on several radio shows. He even created a podcast with other sports media and analytic students. There are many other opportunities to call games or take video or photos for many of the sports games. When he applied he was told it was competitive.
The acceptance letter stated over 400 students applied and I think they only accepted 50. That was two yrs ago 21/22. I’m not sure if it’s changed. Good Luck!


I have no direct experience with the program but a family in our neighborhood has a son that recently graduated from the program. They speak very positively about it and their son is now doing play by play for Vanderbilt Women’s basketball. It sounds like they are directing a lot of resources to the program.


Thanks! Congrats to your son…it sounds like he found the perfect place! This is exactly what I heard too. I just wonder what they are looking for. High Stats or solid stats, ECs, and relevant experience to the major. We are the latter. I guess we will find out soon!

Continuing the discussion from Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission:

If it means anything my son had solid stats - EC and HS experience. Hes since said most of the students have had experience in some way. So definitely think that helps!

Continuing the discussion from Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission:
My son is a current sophomore in this program. He absolutely loves it and so do we.
They give you many opportunities to get”hands on experience” at VT. The school has their own network called Hokievision where they train students in a variety of jobs. You can start that freshman year. He has worked for ESPN on the sidelines at some of the football games and has had opportunities to work on several radio shows. He even created a podcast with other sports media and analytic students. There are many other opportunities to call games or take video or photos for many of the sports games. When he applied he was told it was competitive.
The acceptance letter stated over 400 students applied and I think they only accepted 50. That was two yrs ago 21/22. I’m not sure if it’s changed. Good Luck!


1.5 hours left! We’re down to just waiting for VT, Middlebury and BC. Not hopeful about VT - just got rejected by FSU (in-state). We’ve had great luck with private schools and mid-size state schools that actually read the application. I think good large state schools have gotten so competitive and basically just have a “cut-line” for stats. (Someone above posted basically this).

Good luck everyone! Post Stats when you post results!


The acceptance letter stated over 400 students applied and I think they only accepted 50. That was two yrs ago 21/22. I’m not sure if it’s changed.

They publish all their stats in the link a few pages up.

Sports Media and Analytics - 432 applied, accepted 139 (32%) and 48 enrolled.

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Continuing the discussion from Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission:
Sorry having a hard time replying to you! Lol
I think HS experience was an important element in this major, more important then high stats and EC.

You may be surprised. Not sure what program your kid is applying for, but OOS applicants have a better chance in a number of programs because the OOS yield is so low and VT needs the OOS tuition dollars. I totally believe that they are solidly test optional (thought it sounds like they like to see scores for engineers) and walk that walk. They supposedly put a lot of weight on their essay questions. The fact that they don’t use Letters of Rec nor the Common App essay means they do things a little differently! Oh, and best of luck!!!


Sorry to hear about FSU. It is very competitive in and out of state. Plus, they require test scores so didn’t help the kids I know who had low scores. Good luck with VT Middlebury, and BC!

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Same. Rejected at FSU…and in state. This is a top for us. Goooood luck.