Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Sorry, I didn’t see the denied part. Gajsghaosdihgldskg.</p>

<p>i got denied too</p>

<p>yep I got denied too</p>

<p>Denied. :frowning: I do still want to email them and ask why they denied me, so I’m prepared for when I apply next time.</p>


<p>Denied as well…</p>

<p>denied too</p>

<p>This sucks</p>


<p>this is ridiculous. i got denied with 3.58 in pysch and people got in with 3.1 and 3.2s for pysch this is stupid</p>

<p>I know. It’s totally stupid. So many people that did worse than we did got in, and sometimes for more competitive majors.</p>

<p>vtpsych - i feel ya. i was denied with a 3.81 and there were people with below 3.0’s that were admitted over myself.</p>

<p>I’m terribly sorry for everybody that got denied. I know that sometimes admission for either transfer or freshmen can be an extreme crapshoot. (I got denied from JMU freshman year with 3.35 with tons of EC’s, honors, etc. and my friend got in with a 3.15). </p>

<p>All of you seemed to be very strong applicants. However, they do factor in other aspects of the application than just GPA. Everything happens for a reason; I know all of you will be successful wherever you go and to those who will be applying again next year, best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Everyone should know to post their info when accepted or denied. DENIED 3.65 Geospatial major From radford university, eagle scout, honors at radford, national society of collegiate scholars, i also am on the club lacrosse team and do other activities here, both parents went to tech although i may be finishing up my freshmen year why the hell didnt i get accepted?</p>

<p>It’s weird that a lot of people with such high GPAs didn’t get accepted. But like someone above me said, GPA is big, but it’s not everything. Essays count for quite a bit, and coursework, too. For competitive/crowded majors, space and time (when your app was evaluated relative to others) count as well.</p>

<p>I’m really sorry to those who were not accepted, best of luck next year.</p>

<p>Man sorry to hear that, guys. I thought they would be sending the final round of birds since I got mine on Thursday.</p>

<p>If you’re a freshman don’t be too down. I know it sucks because I too was denied from VT at one point. But you have to understand as a freshman they are only looking at 1 semester of college work. It’s considerably harder for a freshman to transfer than it is for someone with more credits. </p>

<p>Keep working hard and don’t give up hope. I had to wait 2 years before being accepted to the only school I wanted to go to! Keep your GPA strong, get some more credits this semester and next semester and I’m sure you’ll be fine when you apply next year. Good Luck!</p>

<p>I was bummed at first, but then I quickly got my spirits up.</p>

<p>So anyone considering reapplying for the Spring 2013 semester?</p>

<p>Signing out for now. Good luck to all. Got waitlisted at JMU, so hoping that I get in there :slight_smile: Thanks for all the support throughout this tough time.</p>

<p>Spring 2013! I’m still crushed but I spent the day indulging: I watched some LOTR and then went on a comedy binge. So I’m not miserable but still very upset and confused. The worst part is breaking the news to all my friends and family. Good luck to the spring 2013 group!</p>