Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

Exactly. That is a major sign.

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I called and they said that they’re planning to release “something” she said in the next week so just keep an eye out on email. Kinda made me think that there is no spots.

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She seemed to have gotten this question a lot.

My son received email - As a result of a very strong response to our offers of admission to date, we will not be making any additional offers.

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We just got the same e-mail. Very disappointing, but hopefully our son can transfer after a year or two of community college. And save some money!


Yeah in the email it is detailed that no one was offered a spot this year

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Same email/letter in the portal. Given the number(s) pulled from the WL in recent years it’s somewhat surprising - but it is what it is.


Same. I have a very upset kid but I’m glad they let everyone know sooner rather than later so they can officially move on. JMU it is. Good luck to all wherever they end up.


They must have had an overwhelming amount of acceptances and they’re not concerned about potential summer melt. Bummer. Could hear disappointment in voice when I got the news. Oh. Well. Love Tech and maybe their paths will cross.


So bummed! Oh well people can at least move on I guess.
Good Luck to everyone wherever they end up!!!

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At least they let us know. Sorry for the bummed kids. It has been a crazy year! It sounds like everyone has great options though. My daughter is off to PSU. Good luck to all!


My guess is they are full or close to it and expect some “melt” from kids that get off waitlists other places but won’t know until that happens.

Wait lists are often like this. One school starts to move their waitlist which frees up spots at another school and so on.

Edited to add that my prediction was apparently true. Didn’t read all the way down the thread to see Virginia Tech’s response. Same thing has happened at Georgia Tech. They have taken a handful of kids and put them in the first year semester abroad program but summer start and fall start in Atlanta are full. I wish they would send out a similar email to the rest of those on the Georgia Tech wait list. Apparently the only people that are getting this information are the people that have been offered a slot in first year semester abroad as it is in their letter.

Same. JMU Honors for my DD, but she isn’t upset. Feels JMU is a better school for her especially within Honors perks.


Yes flat out rejection for my son and all his waitlisted friends EA IS 34 act top 3 percent of class with a 4.6 legacy. Very confusing this college acceptance game !!

Life goes on, but share feelings of disappointment with everyone. It was a tough year. S has great choices at top schools, offered lots of merit, but S now is picking the most expensive option (still excellent choice). VT would have been a strong contender due to its status as a solid school at an in-state rate, but his future and path are elsewhere. At least we know…


Are you in NoVa by chance? Seems that happened to lots of kids in our school too…and my son’s whole friend group. Ugh.

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Location doesn’t matter. Born and raised in Bburg, quadruple legacy, over 4.0 GPA, varsity sports, job, all that stiil didnt get in.

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Same email as well they did not offer the spot.

@SL100 My son was also waitlisted at VTECH and accepted in UMASS Amherst. He is planning to attend UMASS Amherst. We live in Herndon. Lets connect if you folks are in NOVA.