Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

Does anyone know if waitlist decisions come out after 5pm like other decisions?

Maybe something will happen soon, the waitlist response box in the portal is gone. Now it’s just showing the decision letter box.


My daughter is in same situation. She didn’t write an email because they specifically said not to contact the school with letter of continued interest. You’d think they’d favor young women who want to serve in that capacity and hopefully it works out for yours and mine.

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Just saw this hope it’s good news soon to come

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Yeah it is usually at 5pm

Think they removed it so that no one can accept a place on waitlist anymore.

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Fyi, according to a student on Reddit who called VT admissions, the release will start next week…


We just called VT admissions. They said, “Decisions will come out in the next couple of weeks, sooner rather than later.” Not at all a helpful answer. She said that they are still “crunching numbers!” It is so frustrating that they changed the notification process this year. Kiddo committed to IU but is refusing to mentally invest in any of the after admit activities as she is holding out hope for VT.

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Oh, yes, of course we did that back in February. But the other schools my son was WL on wrote immediately on or after May 1 asking if he wants to continue on the WL.


They can give better answer… but unfortunately not… no update in social media even if they are planning to offer any (like uva announced)
When this is a first choice for kids, its hard to move on with the next steps at other college unless they know that VT is not an option anymore for them.


Does that mean (crunching number) no vacancies anymore ?

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I would suspect they immediately know the simple number of those that have paid the deposit. “Crunching numbers” suggests (to me) that they need to drill into which departments are under or over and within those departments, what demographics are needed (ie in-state v. out-of-state, male v. female, etc.) Just my guess.


If you look at the past two years, most VT waitlist offers were mid April to mid May. Seeing as they haven’t started pulling yet they either have less of a need or people waited until closer to May 1st to accept/decline. If the later is the case, they couldn’t accurately predict their yield yet, and they are probably crunching the numbers (major, gender, residency, etc). I know it’s hard to wait on a school you really want to attend, but waitlists are for the college to fill their incoming class (based on what they need). Good luck to everyone waiting.


sooke to admissions

spoke to admossions they said they will be taking kids in 2-3 wweks still assessing their deposits. Is this possible? doesnt seem right to me, so disappointing

any info is helpful

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Last year it came out so early this is so sad

How do they not know by now?

I really advise to manage expectations at this point. I know this is not what people want to hear.

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of course, just strange so many otger schools are moving their lists