Virginia Tech notification date

<p>Hmm, yeah they made it pretty clear to me that Community College kids got priority. I have a feeling at this point that I'll be applying again next year. What's worse is I can't afford an apartment at the moment.</p>

<p>Well I called admissions today and all they said was it was based on rolling admissions as to when they review your application is when they will notify you of acceptance. It is NOT based on when you applied, and I'm not even sure if it is based on the college you applied to but I forgot to ask that one...</p>

<p>kin, you said that you could still sign up for housing(waiting list) without admitted status, how can you do that? I tried looking on the site but no luck.</p>

<p>KB here is the site address
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks kin</p>

<p>Have any transfers who got online acceptance received their letter in the mail yet?</p>

<p>Has anyone who isn't applying as a transfer from a community college heard yet?</p>

<p>I know of someone from my university that heard really early.</p>

<p>If anyone on here is worried that because they havent heard anything yet may mean they will be rejected, I just talked to someone in my chem lab who said he was rejected a couple weeks ago. So Tech is letting those who wont be accepted know right away.</p>

<p>Good info MSC, someone else came on and said they were denied through a letter too. So that is great news. Well unless I get one of those letters, haahah. None yet though</p>

<p>theclone - I got my acceptance letter in the mail last week on Thursday. </p>

<p>sfm257 - I'm a transfer student from George Washington University. I got notified March 27th at midnight.</p>

<p>That's so strange, pana. I'm only in Richmond and I noticed my notification only a few days after you did, the letter really shouldn't be taking this long for the letter to get out to me. Was there any useful/needed information in it other than the "Congratulations! You've been accepted blah blah blah."</p>

<p>Nah.. don't worry about it. Just look at Accepting</a> the Offer of Admission: Transfer | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech and Transfer</a> Students: What's Next? | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech. Those two links basically sum up the two extra papers you get with your congratulations letter. Mail can be unpredictable sometimes, its very obnoxious, haha.</p>

<p>Ah, thanks pana. </p>

<p>If I don't get into UVA, maybe I'll see you around campus!</p>

<p>O_O; So I found that I have the current info box today. Wonder when the decision is coming.</p>

<p>Teach- nice!! So just the current box info or the eval too? I think most of us are going to hear in the next 8 days. I am probably wrong</p>

<p>Don't appear to have the eval yet. Haha, I love you ended that sentence with "I'm probably wrong." I feel like we should worry mostly on Fridays, though. So I'm a little nervous that I'll either find out tomorrow or get a rejection letter next week. Seems to be the trend right now. I'll just be happy to know the answer finally!</p>

<p>my page doesnt have ANYTHING new. im so frustrated! you guys will most likely find out tomorrow if you got new things this week im guessing</p>

<p>i dont have anything new meaning neither the current program or</p>

<p>I'm confused about this "current info" box you guys keep mentioning. Can anyone take a screenshot of their page? I just want to see what the current info box looks like. My status page hasn't changed one bit, other than updating that they received my transcripts and such.</p>