Virginia Tech notification date

<p>Hey V did you get any credit eval info or just the current box?</p>

<p>I've had the current box for awhile, no credit eval info...</p>

<p>nope just the current program box. no credit eval. i just want to know!! i dont even care if its a reject or accept anymore. i just want to know where i'll be next semester. sheeesh.</p>

<p>I applied in freaking December and I have nothing new on my page. x_x If people who applied after me are started to get the current program box, maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up.</p>

<p>Hey I am feeling you, I am like that too at this point. Just let me know already. </p>

<p>Well teach that one guy said he had the current box info and got rejected this past Saturday. He received a letter in the mail, and he is in the Hampton roads area, so...</p>

<p>Do you think how/when they notify people has to do with what college they applied to?</p>

<p>Haha, well at least I'm not the only one who feels that way.</p>

<p>I do think the college has something to do with it. Maybe not everything, but something.</p>

<p>The whole college thing is probably just speculation, but it make sense. I applied to by far the smallest college and found out within a month. I dont know anyone else who has applied to that college, everyone I met who is trying to transfer is either a business major or an engineer major, the two biggest colleges undergrad wise, and know one has mentioned about being accepted or denied.</p>

<p>I'm hoping to find out soon. I don't think I can wait around til May 1 to find out...Plus I am trying to figure out housing for next year and the sooner I find out the sooner I can sign a lease, etc.</p>

<p>I got accepted to VT on Mar 27. and i'm business major</p>

<p>KB.. for transfers on-campus housing is not guaranteed. I email them yesterday and they told me last year, only 50 transfers got there campus house out of 350 people
by the way, you can still sign up(wait-list) for housing without admitted status</p>

<p>Yea that's why i'm trying to sign a lease off campus but I can't do that until I know if I got in. I'm surprised even 50 got housing last year. My friend told me that I was pretty much guaranteed NOT to have on campus housing so I've been trying to plan accordingly.</p>

<p>I'm a business major too, more specifically Accounting.</p>

<p>me too.. major in accounting</p>

<p>If you don't mind my asking, what was your gpa etc? where are you transferring from? I wonder if it is just random of those who have found out and those who haven't..</p>

<p>I had gpa of 3.3 transferring from TCC one of Virginia community college.
applied week before deadline
completed 30 credit hours and currently taking 13 credit hours.</p>

<p>I go to TCC as well, and I think that is the key factor. I think everyone who has been accepted so far comes from a VCCS school. Anyone here been accepted from a 4 year school yet?</p>

<p>thats true that most people that have heard back were from CC schools, but i have heard of a couple radford kids hearing back. msc did you get accepted? does anyone know of anyone having only the current program box and getting accepted?</p>

<p>Yes, I was accepted, and if you mean by only having the current program box w/o the transfer evaluation, then yes as well. My transfer evaluation only came in within the last two weeks.</p>

<p>I'm a major in biology and I applied quite late. I want to say it was on the day before the deadline. I know, I know -- horrible! But like I said, they've had me updated as accepted since the 30th. For what it's worth, I'm transferring in from a VCCS school.</p>