Virginia Tech Pamplin Business School Ranking

Any insight as to why Virginia Tech’s Business School, Pamplin, is no longer ranked on US News? At one time it was #39 on its Best Undergraduate Business Schools. It’s also not ranked on Poets & Quants.

Interesting. Poets & Quants has a very different methodology compared to US News:

“The (USNWR) methodology leaves much to be desired. Unlike Poets&Quants annual undergraduate business ranking, this list does not take into account the quality of a school’s enrolled student base, the academic and extracurricular experience of the students, the quality of the faculty, or the career outcomes of a school’s graduates. U.S. News, in fact, doesn’t even report on the actual acceptance rates for the business programs nor the success of their career management offices in placing students. Instead, the entire ranking relies on the opinions of the deans and senior professors who fill out the survey. Truth be told, many of them have little to no knowledge of what is going on in rival programs and tend to rely on U.S. News ‘ previous lists to fill out the survey. That is why so many critics have called the ranking little more than a measure of popularity.”

Totally agree regarding US News. Poets & Quants is more valuable ranking …but Pamplin is not ranked

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@WillowPeony yes - I suppose that Pamplin just did not make the final cut of top 100 programs

Any thoughts on how Pamplin compares with Driehaus at DePaul? Either in rankings or by reputation? Thanks.