Virginia Tech Proof of Enrollment?

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I enrolled about a month ago, and was recently notfied that I had won a local scholarship. In order to be awarded this scholarship, I need to have some proof of enrollment that I can submit. </p>

<p>The problem is that Virginia Tech doesn't put students in the records as enrolled until the 2nd day of classes, which may be too far away. Does anyone have any solution on what I can send to them? At this point, I can't get this certificate or a class schedule so I don't know what to do.</p>

<p>Also, when do we have to pay tuition, housing and other fess for VT?</p>

<p>Thanks for any help, it's really appreciated!</p>

<p>Fall tuition is due August 10th ([Tuition</a> and Fees | University Bursar | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Tuition”>Tuition & Fee Rates | Bursar's Office | Virginia Tech)).</p>

<p>When I won scholarships that needed verification, I was able to send them my acceptance letters, then my got my VT transcript with the classes I was signed up to take in the fall sent from the Registrar after orientation. I believe that students are registered in the summer since there’s orientation, you just can’t get the Clearinghouse verification until the semester starts.</p>

<p>Also, if the organization awarding your scholarship is okay with waiting until after classes start, you could always just send them the info then and the scholarship money will just be credited to your student account. The problem with this is that you’ll have to pay up front and have the scholarship money credited to you later.</p>