Virginia Tech Summer Academy

<p>are any freshman registered to join? Is it worth enrolling in?</p>

<p>VTSA is a new program, so this would be the first year for any incoming freshmen to experience it, so no one can really give first hand experience on if it’s a good program.</p>

<p>It does seem like a good opportunity if you want to take classes ahead of time and transition to the university before the fall semester. You’ll also have the benefit of not having to do orientation separately, getting an upperclassmen mentor, experiencing campus/Blacksburg a few weeks earlier than everyone else, etc. On the other hand, there are some cons. Basically if you’re not into the whole being forced to transition thing, doing it the standard academic way, dealing with the typical transition workshops, not interested in any of the offered tracks, and/or don’t want to pay tuition for a summer session, it wouldn’t be worth it.</p>

<p>^ What financiallylost said.</p>

<p>Although I would also add, if you already know your major, most of the tracks would help to take care of a few of the freshman courses that are most often packed and/or prerequisites.</p>

<p>I understand VTSA students will be staying in Vawter Hall, which is not air conditioned.
Has anyone stayed there in the summer and if so what is it like? Thanks!</p>

<p>Although I have never stayed on campus during the summer, I do know that it gets HOT during the days at VT, but can get quite cold at night. During the summer this means relatively decent conditions for a dorm with no AC. During the days a box fan (or 2) are quite necessary.</p>

<p>As far as the dorm itself: [Vawter</a> Hall | Your Residence Halls | Housing & Residence Life | DSA | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Vawter”></p>

<p>Hi Everyone,</p>

<p>This Summer Program would begin 3 days after my graduation, and I would be missing half of my summer only to take hours of classes every day that I will be taking again in the fall. I am conflicted about what to do. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>“I would be missing half of my summer only to take hours of classes every day that I will be taking again in the fall”</p>


<p>Maybe I’m not understanding you correctly, but it seems like you think these classes don’t count? </p>

<p>The classes that you take as part of VTSA count just as much as they would in the fall- they go on your transcript in other words. As a result, you would not have to take them again. </p>

<p>I do realize the conflict with having your graduation right before though. That will have to be a decision you make for yourself.</p>