Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2016

As did I. I am literally shaking right now. I hope everyone has great news too!

Welp, always next semester for me… I really thought I had the grades… 3.5 trying for finance with great core class grades… Congrats on getting in though @hokiehopes

@Justspeed27 message me so we can get each other’s numbers!!!

@owenp33 I’m surprised you didn’t :confused: I’m sorry about that :confused:

Is there a way to appeal the decision bc I have really great grades this semester that they havent seen yet

I got in too!!! :smiley:

I got in!

I just checked the status on my decission, apparently i got waitlisted, student at nova, gpa 3.28. anyone knows my odds of getting in.

Congratulations to everyone! And those who didn’t get in, never give up if you really wanna be a Hokie. Last year I was denied and I got in this year.

@fv2146 What major did you apply for?

@Justspeed27 YAY!!!

Who’s in charge of the Facebook group page?

hahah @sherbertt … Thanks for the support! We are both now fellow Hokies!

Got in to engineering! Very surprised and happy. Also interested in the facebook page and housing. Congrats to those who got in and for those on the WL and didn’t get in this time, don’t give up hope!

What’s everyone doing about housing?

Yes, what is everyone doing about housing? Any ideas on how to find a place and roomates?

There is a off campus housing website where you can put up a post to find people. I too got accepted for Engineering and am looking for a roommate(s).

Hi everyone,

Congrats to those who got in :DD

I transferred in from out of state (georgia) last fall into Engineering. Anyway, I live in an off campus apartment about a 12 min walk from campus, and a 2 min bus ride. It is a 2 bedroom and I am looking for a roommate for next year, and I think it would be cool to live with another transfer student. So if anyone is beginning to look for housing shoot me a message on facebook. My name is Beck. If you type that and Virginia Tech in the bar it should bring me up.